Chapter 10: Fallen Angel

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'I never felt so bad in my life. I couldn't stop thinking about it all. The vision, the fire, the mutant, and everything else. Well, my brothers and Splinter convinced me that I needed the fresh air, especially after what happened. They told me that it would be better than me being cooped up in my room. So.. I followed their advice and left the lair. Of course, it wouldn't have mattered since the guys would just drag me along to their adventures anyway.'

So, it was just another normal day, well night, and my brothers, Casey and I were patrolling the streets. We were leaping and running across one building after the next. Everything was peaceful at the moment, or as peaceful as it could get in New York. That was until I heard a crash. I skidded to a stop on my feet and looked down. "What's the matter, Bell?" Mikey asked. I pointed downward and saw a broken window to a shop. "Something's happening down there." I said. I saw a group of Purple Dragons grabbing things and robbing the store. "What do ya guys say for some dragon cleanup?" Raph smirked. I nodded to him before jumping down from the top of the building and to the fire escape. I grabbed the ladder and let it go down until it reached to ground level.

The others were already down. As expected, the Purple Dragons left through the back door. "Psst." Mikey sounded out to the man with a dragon tattooed on the left side of his face. The man turned to the noise and got a kick in the face. The guy flew into the small crowd and fell on some people in the group. "See guys? You never know what kind of fun you're gonna find on the ol' nightly training run." Mikey joked. "Now class, who can tell me what he did wrong?" Leo asked. Raph twirled his sai in his hand and answered, "Ya mean besides being a badly dressed law-breakin' good-for-nothing lowlife street punk?" I have a feeling that Raph would've continued if it weren't for the man yelling. "Bust 'em up dragons!"

The group charged at us and the man who seemed to have been leading them went into the building before shutting the door behind him. 'Coward!' I wanted to yell at him but instead I had to focus on the enemy before me. Casey leaped in the air and yelled, "Woohoo!" He swung hard at a Purple Dragon and the man flew back and hit the ground hard. "When are these dragon dudes gonna learn?" Leo cried out before kicking another. "Green beats Purple every time!" Mikey swung his pair of nunchaku around before hitting a man with green hair back into a wall. He was down and out. Raph came down and did a split kick between two other Purple Dragons. "They'll all be black and blue by the time I'm finished with 'em." He taunted.

"We've got a runner." Donnie called out. I spun around to see a girl with two purple ponytails escaping the area. I was about to chase after but got my path blocked by a few thugs. "Don't worry. It's covered," Raph yelled over the fighting, kicking a person back and elbowing the man behind him, knocking him back as well. I swung my tail around, hitting one guy in the stomach and grabbing by the other guy's shirt, punching him hard. I'll tell you that it definitely hurt my fist as much as it hurt his face. He covered his face with his two hands as if it would take the pain away. Using this distraction, I let go and kicked him back into trash cans. 'Right where the Purple Dragons belong.'

Why am I not using my weapon? One would ask. Well, I've already caused enough damage with it. While I may have it at my side, due to Splinter's and my brothers' demands, I refuse to hurt anyone else the same way I did to those people. At least... unless there's no choice. "Good job, guys." Leo's praise knocked me out of my trance, "Now, let's get back to Casey." He lead us down the alley and we turned corner, seeing the girl climb the fence and run while Casey was on the ground, groaning lowly. I was just about to jump over Casey and chase after but Leo stopped me. "Isabella. She's not worth it. Whoever she is, she's far from here now."

I huffed, crossing my arms. "Casey, what happened?" Raph asked urgently. "Who was that girl?" The long haired man stood up, looking behind him where he saw the girl left. "Her name's Angel." He turned to us and began to explain, "I know her from the neighborhood. I promised her grandma I'd keep an eye on her. Keep her out of trouble." He looked down with guilty eyes and placed his left hand on his right arm. Leo stepped forward. "So she's a Purple Dragon?" Casey looked at him in an expression of rage. This was a usual laidback guy that was likable if you can get over how annoying he is. Now here he was, with a scary serious expression that could rival Splinter's. He obviously didn't like that idea. "Not if I can help it."

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