I. I cannot be Nobody because I am a SOMEBODY

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I. The Principle of Non-Contradiction: I cannot be Nobody because I am a SOMEBODY

"The first judgment called the principle of Non-Contradiction because it expresses the most basic condition of things, namely, that they cannot be self-contradictory," (Alvira, et al. pp. 33-34).

In my early youth, I frequently experience being rejected and thus, consider myself as nobody. "I do not exist and I distrust people," I told myself unaware about the fallacious character of my statement. I encounter different questions as my life go on, such questions are: "If I do not exist, then why am I here?" But thus question tacitly answers itself. "I cannot be nobody or non-existent. I am somebody having my own being, I exist." As I learned this reality about myself, my self-esteem and self-confidence boosted up as if the potential social and rational Nil Vencent Diana has been actualized. I am somebody, I have my being and I have myself.

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