IV. Why am I here?

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I. Why am I here? (What is my essence and the cause of my subsistence)

"There are two basic principles in creatures: their act of being, which makes them all 'beings', and their essences which determines the kind of being they are," (Alvira, et al. pp. 89-90).

Self-knowledge leads to self-appreciation. If I do not know myself, I experience confusion and internal chaos. I experienced despair during my high school life because I do not know a lot about myself and I took my existence for granted but when I entered the seminary, my mind was enlightened especially when I studied Metaphysics.

I knew who I am, what my essence is and also why I do subsist. My essence as a human person, a composite of body and soul, and my "esse" which I share from God gave light to my life for it made me realize that I have an exalted dignity. These also reveal to me my dependence to my Creator, my finitude and my origin from nothingness.

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