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It was one of those frightfully hot mornings where I awakened feeling very cross. I hadn't slept all night because my brain just wouldn't turn off, and there were too many things on my mind. It was not a good night. I rubbed my eyes and unconsciously walked into the kitchen.

I took a seat across from Harry, but he just kept his head parallel to his plate and shoveled in the golden pancakes that he made. I caught his eye, and he nodded back at me. "Look who's finally up."

"Sleeping late means I will never run into morning people." I speared a sausage with my fork. "What about you?" I asked him. "How did you sleep?"

"I had a good dream. So I'll take it," he answered me. My gaze followed his as he poured orange juice into my glass for me.

"A good dream?" I half smirked. "Tell me about it."

"You weren't in it," he said laughing, but my grin grew. I could tell he was lying. I could always tell when he was lying.

"That's too bad." I leaned back in the chair. "You were in mine."

That had been really smooth. I could tell if he was impressed. At that moment, the door cracked open and a few seconds later Bruce, Harry's roommate, sauntered into the room.

"S'up Alice." Bruce sat next to me. He didn't say anything to Harry, which stuck as a little bit odd. Bruce wasn't really the rude type but I let it go.

He elbowed me. "Did you hear what happened to Mrs. Alley?"

"Yes, I did!" I grinned. "She totally deserves it for fucking failing me on arithmetic last year."

"Pouring a bucket of paint in her car was totally awesome, wasn't it Harry?" Bruce says.

I didn't want a fight to start because Harry clearly looked uncomfortable so I took a sip on my juice and managed to change the subject. "I must admit that this room is much better than the one on the frat house."

"I think it's pretty cool but the frat house had all of the right music, all the right people, and all of the right everything, really." Harry looked slightly disappointed.

"Actually," I pulled my phone out of my sweatpants' pockets to check the time, "I should probably go now." I stood up, moved, and brought dishes into the kitchen. "I'll go buy some stuff."

Bruce and Harry stayed at the table to discuss what they were going to do for today's party.

Going back to the café took me more time than I expected. The small bell dinged in the door announcing my entry. I was about to go for the grilled cheese sandwich everyone talks about since I didn't had a good breakfast, but Noah was working instead of Danielle so I was not able to check for the money I owe plus I couldn't ask for the car keys.

"Morning Alice!" His smile suddenly faded away as soon as he noticed I was concerned. "Oh, I know what you are looking for." He handed me the keys. "Dani left these, she told me to give them to you."

I ran to the parking with keys on hand and turned the car. I pulled into the East Campus, tired, hungry and irritable. I leaned back in my seat and adjusted my shirt. It was not a good morning so I cranked up the volume in Danielle's old black Mustang and listened to the latest 20 rappers.

When I arrived, there were many stores to choose from. The only reason why everything seemed amazing to me, it's for not coming here before. I wasn't really expecting to go to other stores like the music store since I came here to buy things for my room, but to be honest, that was the best one by far.

Not many people know about my obsession for music, I prefer to keep it private so I wouldn't have to deal with rude comments most people do. I picked the guitar that was lying perfectly on the counter and with a chair that I found inside the shop, I started contemplating the piece carefully.

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