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Alice's POV

I had English after lunch with Bruce and Noah and now it's time for Chemistry. I walked towards building D for chemistry with Mrs. Wilson and knocked on room C85.

A woman wearing a lab coat and huge goggles greeted me with a smile so I was forced to smile as well. She's not being rude to me so I'm not going to be rude to her even though I'm ten minutes late.

My previous teachers this morning hated me because I apparently give them "attitude" so I did my best to annoy them and get under their skin and it worked. Surprisingly, neither of them sent me to the office though.

"Hi," the teacher said enthusiastically and I beamed.

"Hi! Mrs. Wilson?" I asked, looking down my schedule.

"Yes and you must be the one and only Alice Collins," she smiled, not a bit scared or intimidated by me.

"That's me," I smirked and she motioned for me to come in. Mrs. Wilson handed me a neatly folded lab coat and goggles and I gladly took them.

"You're just in time Miss Collins, we're just about to perform an experiment." Mrs. Wilson says, "sit anywhere you like," she smiled politely one last time and that's when I saw Niall, pushing his partner away rudely.

"Move Georgia!" He sneered forcefully for her to move out of the seat.

"But this is my seat and you're my partner," Georgia whined with a perky voice.

"I said move." Niall demanded one last time and Georgia huffed before marching away towards the front of the room. I just stood there amused while Niall looked straight ahead, pretending not to notice me.

"Is this seat taken or should I go somewhere else?" I asked teasingly and Niall finally glanced at me with a smirk on his lips.

"Well hello there beautiful, of course this seat is free," he patted the stool beside him and I chuckled out loudly.

"You didn't have to move the poor girl," I glanced at the girl he stalked away and she was sitting on the edge of her seat while a nerd was hogging her.

"Yeah I had to," he beamed at me widely.

I was still putting on the lab coat and glasses for safety when Mrs. Wilson spoke. "Okay class, pick up your beakers and test tubes,"

"You look cute," Niall leaned down beside me and whispered. I shoved him away cause he flirts way too much.

"Shut up Niall! I know I look horrible," I said while buttoning up my lab coat.

"Let me demonstrate what you would be doing," Mrs. Wilson poured a clear substance in the beaker, then she added a green one and a dash of some sort of powder that instantly made the substance start to bubble. She specifically said how much amount of each substance we should be using and then told us that we could start. I hope Niall was paying attention because I'm not doing all the work.

"No, I was serious when I said you're cute," he brings up the subject again and I just nod.

"Yeah I'm cute, whatever." I sighed and grabbed the beaker.

We agreed that I'm the one who's gonna tell him what to do and he's the one who's going to do the mixing or whatever we have to do.

"Hey I have another pick up line," he said smirking and I let out a thin laugh.

"Shoot," I said while scratching my neck.

"Are you made of Fluorine, Iodine, and Neon? Cause girl you are F-I-Ne." I burst out laughing and he smiled genuinely at me. How could this guy make up some sorts of pick-up lines?

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