Chapter 3

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"What are you doing out so late?" he asked me.

"I couldn't sleep and I thought I might go for a quick ride."

"Ellis. You know you can't do that. What something were to happen?"

"I wouldn't let anything happen."

"Ellie. You should go back to the castle."

"So should you."

"Ellie. I mean it. You shouldn't be out."

"Mavis. One hour. One little short hour. That's all I need."


"Mavis..." He stared right into my eyes.

"One hour. That's it."

"Thank you Mavis." I gave him a hug and a kiss on his cheek. I ran to one of rhex stalls and saddle up the horse. I threw my leg xxx and over the horse's back. I slowly made my way out of the stables. I saw Mavis entering the castle. He better not go and tell Hiram or my parents or worse Alston. I quickly took of down the hill from the castle.

I stood up in the stirrups and galloped down the hills. The cold breeze hit my face sending chills down my spine. I love the feeling of riding. The end of the road came closer and I could see the village Aquarius ahead. I love leaned down onto the horse's mane and went of the road toward the trees behind the shops. I through my leg one the saddle once I stopped. I jumped down and tied the horse's reins to a low hanging tree branch.

I walked between two shops to the middle of the square. I saw Cy sitting on the wall of the fountain. I walked over to him and sat down next to him.


"Hello my lady."



We stayed silent for a while. He kept tugging at the sleeves of his shirt. It looked like he was trying to hide something. I looked down at my feet. I caught a glimpse of his pants. They fell above his ankle and his shoes were all torn up. I didn't realize that the people here were so poor. He don't even have a jacket and it was very chilly. He was shivering. I took off my cloak and put it around his shoulders hoping it would warm him.

"I don't need this." he said as he took it off his shoulders and set it on my lap.

"Yes you do. You're shivering. " I set it back around his shoulders. He didn't refuse this time. He pulled it closer around him. When he did this his sleeves moved up his arms and I could see bruises up his arm. I grab his arm and I saw panic rush into his eyes. I pulled his sleeve farther up his arm so I could see. All the way up his arm to his shoulder.

"What are these from?" I asked staring into his eyes. He pulled his arm away and looked down at his feet.

"They are nothing."

"Yes they are. Tell me Cy." He stiffened when I said his name.

"No has siad that in years."

"Said what in years?"

"My name. No one here calls me by my name. Only foreign boy and a serf."

"Well, Cy, I'm using it now and it is a beautiful name." He smiled at me and took my hands in his. They were soft and warm. "Now will you please tell me what these are from?" He nodded and kept looking into my eyes.

"The knights. They beat me when I left your room. I pulled away and down to the court yard. They took sticks to me and beat me." He was sobbing now. "There was one knight that stood back and didn't join in. He stared at me and mouthed something to me. I couldn't tell what it was because my eyes were filled with tears." I pulled him into my arms and put my arms around his neck. What is happening to people here? They are turning evil. A week ago no one would dare hurt a serf let alone one who saved the Lord's daughter. One knight didn't do any thing though I must thank them.

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