Chapter 9

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I woke up laying under my covers with the canopy pull around the bed. The light glow of the moon shone through my window. I sat up in my bed not using my injured arm. I looked out the window to the village square that I could see in the distance. There was a figure standing there next to the statue of Saint Mary. I pulled my covers to the side and threw my legs over side of my bed. I pulled the canopy open and slipped through the opening. I crossed over to the window. There was a man standing looking up at the castle. It looked like he was staring right up into my room. I leaned into my window on my good arm. Who would be watching me at this time. I watched him just like he watched me. Then he waved up at me. I waved back at him like the idiot I am. I just stood there and watched. We just watched each other.

There was a knock on my door. I walked over to the door and opened it. Alston and Hiram stood there each holding a candle for light. "Hey Ellie. Are you feeling alright?" Alston asked me as he walked in. He set his candle on my bed side table. "Yes. I'm feeling fine. I just... There's a man standing in the square watching me." I him as walk back over to the window. I looked out and no one was there.

"Are you sure someone was there? No one should be out at this time of night." Hiram said and he came and stood next to me.

"There's no one there." I whispered to myself.

"There's no one there Ellie. Are you sure you saw someone? It could have been and tree or the moon playing tricks on you." Alston said. He was standing behind me with his hands on my shoulders. I leaned back into him. This was the first time in a long time that he showed any brotherly love to me. He was finally acting like himself.

"I don't know. Maybe."

"Hey it's okay. You've been through a lot the last couple of days." Alston spun me around and wrapped his arms around me. I put my head on his chest. I missed him. The old him. He is creeping his way back and I'm loving every minute of it.

"Ellie, we need to change the bandages on your arm. Riley is helping a servant. So she gave us the stuff to do it." Hiram said. Alston pulled away and led me to my bed. He pulled away the canopy and I sat down on my bed. Hiram held my hand as he began to remove bandages from my arm. When he lifted my arm up to get the bandage off I squealed.

"It's alright Ellie." Hiram said as he lowered my arm. I lightly smiled at him. The bandage was of and I saw my arm. It was blue and purple and there was a bone barely sticking out of my arm between my wrist and elbow. I moved my hand to cover my mouth.

"Are you feeling alright Ellie?" Alston asked, "You look green."

"Ya. I'm fine." I say keeping my hand in front of my mouth. Alston sat down next to me and put his arm around my shoulders. I could get used to this again.

"Brenner has been worried about you." he told me.

"Has he."

"Yes. I can't sleep. He wanted to stay with you tonight, but Riley said it would be best if you were alone. That you would need some rest and not have someone bother you in your sleep."

"That was nice of her. Who is she helping again?"

"Just some servant."


"I don't know. Some new girl." Could it be? I hope not.

"What is her name?"

"I don't know, Ellie. Do you know Hiram?" He looked up at me and nodded.

"I believe her name is Lila. There. All bandaged up." I stood up and went to my wardrobe and grabbed my dressing gown. I pulled it over my head and put my good arm through the sleeve.

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