Chaper 7

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"Ellie they are loading him on the carriage full of captured knights. They're going to the side of the fields. He's not coming back."

"Ellie they are loading him on the carriage full of captured knights. They're going to the side of the fields. He's not coming back."

"They're going to the side of the fields. He's not coming back."

"They're going to the side of the fields. He's not coming back."

"He's not coming back."

"He's not coming back."

"He's not coming back."

Riley's words repeated on my head. Over and over agian.

"He's not coming back."

"He's not coming back."

I ran to the stables. I sadled my horse and threw myself on.

"They're going to the side of the fields."

"They're going to the side of the fields."

I rode through the hills and grasses. The fields were an hour ride from the castle. The carriages had the faster hourses so they would get there faster.

"...not coming back."

"...not coming back."

He was coming back. I am going to make sure that he does come back. I refuse for him to not come back. If he doesn't I'm going to be furious. Alston knows how I get if that were to happen. But it's not, because he is coming back.

I could see the carriage off in the distance. They were going right past the fields. It wouldn't be too long before they reached the side of them. I leaned down on the horse's mane and stood up in the stirrups. We cantared foward down the hill to the fields.

The wind whipped against me. I kept my face into the wind, so I could see where they were at. They had made it to where they were going. I saw one person getting if the carriage. Cy was the only one. I needed to get there now. He had no time left. If I didn't get there in the next minute his time would run out.

I went full speed. We were on a the side of the fields where the ground dropped off and into a rushing river. I risked falling and kept going. They weren't that far ahead of me now. Just a little ways and I'm there. I started crying. This wasn't happening. Tears poured out of my eyes. My vision was lost and I fell down off my horse. I fell on my arm and I heard a snap. I yelled put in pain. I heard my horse keep running, like it hadn't noticed that I had fell.

I tumbled down the hill. I heard the river drawing closer. I was thrown into the thrashing od the river. The water flooded over me and I was pulled deeper under the water. I kicked my legs trying to keep myself above the water. It was no use. My dress was full of water and pulled me even farther down. I spun in circles in the river.

I pulled my head up above the water. I saw that the river was rushing toward the side of the fields. Right where Cy and the knights were. I used all my strength to keep above water. I was pushed closer and closer. I drew in a breath and screamed at the top if my lungs. I prayed that they would here me. I lost strength in my legs and I went under. My mouth fulled with water as I got tossed around like a rag doll. I used my arks to pull myself up above the rushong water. Pain rushed trough my right arm and I yelled out in pain.

I was right below the knights now. Did they not see me? Could they not hear me? I yelled out agianwith the last of my strength. I saw them run over to the edge and look down. I saw Cy hidden behind all of them. Nothing happened to him. That was a relief. But I was drowning and I had no strength left. I saw someone jump off the cliff just as I went under agian.

I felt an arm wrap aroynd my torso. I was pulled into someone's chest. I felt limp and weak. I wanted to look up at who held me in their arms, but I was too weak. My head dipped down as I was pulled to the side of the river. My whole body was weak and gave out. I hung limp in the arms wrapped around me.

I heard yelling above me. I tried to move my head so I could see above me. I couldn't. My head felt like it weighed a thousand kilograms. I could feel my feet dragging on the ground underneath me as we came closer to the side of the river. One of the arms wrapped around me left my torso and I could feel the wrath of the river beating into me. I put my arms astounds the one that was holding me and tried to hold on. My whole body was heavy an I began to slip from them. Before I knew it I was pulled out of the person's grasp and going full speed back down the river. I tried to pull myself up out of the water with the one arm I could still used; just to be pulled down again.

I was done at this point. I couldn't keep myself up anymore. I was washed down the river. I flipped over and over. I felt like a rag doll. I felt something cut my arm. I yelled out in pain and with that a huge mouth full of water. I tumbled down and down. I closed my eyes and everything went dark.

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