Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

"Should we wake her up?" Someone whispered, I could feel my head against their chest rising up and down as they breathed.

"No, we could just carry her over to the bed." Someone else whispered back., I could tell by the voice it was Harry.

I slowly opened my eyes and saw Liam looking down at me.

"Hey Liam." I mumbled, not making any move to get off of him.

"I guess you've grown more comfortable with me, last time you woke on me you started panicking." Liam said with a laugh.

"I'm too tired to care right now." Harry came over and gently picked me up and brought me over to the other bed.

"Thank you Harry." I said as he placed me on the bed me and Grace were sharing.

"You're welcome, goodnight Ashlyn."

"Night Harry, night Liam." I said and then fell back to sleep again.

"Oh my gosh!" I said exremely irritated as I rolled over in bed and was now lying on my back. Louis woke me up about an hour ago with his snoring and I haven't gotten back to sleep, he sounds like a dying cow! Plus it's really hot in this room which doesn't help the fact that I'm trying to get to sleep.

I sighed and sat up, swinging my feet over the bed. I figured since I wasn't going to get back to sleep any time soon I might as well just go for a walk.

"Ow!" Someone exclaimed as I put my feet on the ground.

"Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry! Wait, who is that?" I said, squinting to see who it was in the dark.

"It's Harry and I'm fine, you just stepped my face. No harm done." Harry said sarcatically.

"I'm sorry Harry, I forgot you were sleeping right there. Is your face okay?" I was trying not to laugh at how that sentence sounded.

"It's fine, and stop laughing." Harry said sitting up and rubbing the left side of his face.

I burst out laughing after he said that. "I'm sorry but it's a funny, 'Is your face okay?' isn't a very normal sentence."

"I guess you're right, but everything seems funnier when you're tired." He said laughing a little.

"True." I said standing up, careful not to step on Harry this time.

"So what are you doing up anyway?" Harry asked.

"I can't sleep since Louis is over there snoring like a dying cow, I was going to go for a walk."

"I'll come with you." Harry said as he stood up.

"Alright," I grabbed my jacket just incase it was cold outside.

"Wait Harry, you might want to put some clothes on first." I said once I noticed he was wearing just his boxers.

He looked down and said, "Oh yeah."

I waited for him at the door while he threw on black shorts and a white t-shirt.

"So where are we going?" Harry asked once we were in the hallway.

"I don't know, just going to wonder around and get some fresh air."

"Are we going to go outside or just walk around the hotel?"

"Well we can't get fresh air inside the hotel, can we?"

"Good point." Harry said smiling.

We had a silent ride in the elevator to the lobby and once we got outside it felt amazing.

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