Chapter 22

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Chapter 22

Ashlyn's P.O.V.

I watched Grace carefully slide the passkey through the lock of the door and slowly open the door.

"You got to tell her mate, don't keep her wondering." Louis's voice came from inside the suite as Grace slowly poked her head inside.

"I will, just not now." Harry answered back, they clearly didn't know we could hear them. I quietly slipped inside behind Grace.

"I agree with Lou, you should-" Liam started but stopped as I closed the door behind me, louder than I intended. His eyes flicked in our direction. "Oh, hey guys."

Harry shifted uncomfortably in his seat and kept his head down looking at the ground.

"Er, hi." I said awkwardly. Had they just been talking about me?

"We were just um..." Liam trailed off glancing nervously at the boys.

"Ordering dinner!" Niall shouted with a satisfied look.

"Wow, good cover up." Grace said rolling her eyes.

"What did you guys hear?" Harry spoke lifting his head up and staring at us with wide eyes.


"Nothing!" I interrupted Grace and she looked at me with a confused expression. I shook my head at her brushing off the conversation and went to sit at the kitchen breakfast bar, Grace right behind me.

"So, how about me order that dinner. I'm starving!" I said trying to lighten the mood. It seemed to work and the boys all cheered in agreement.

"Pizza?" I suggested and everyone nodded.

"I'll call it in." Liam offered. He stood up and headed in the direction of the room's phone. As Liam walked passed Louis, Louis stuck his leg out to trip Liam. Liam didn't notice and fell flat on his face, letting out a long scream as he went down to the floor.

We all erupted in laughter as Liam sat up glared at Louis looking flustered.

"You jerk!" Liam yelled at Louis but a smile was creeping up on his lips.

"Oh God, that was great!" Louis managed to choke out in between laughs.

Liam stood up shaking out all his limbs and carefully walked to the phone. He tried placing the order with a straight face but every time he looked at one of us he'd let out a laugh.

"Thank you." Liam spoke politely then hung up the phone. "Could you guys settle down please? I was on the phone!" He complained taking his seat back on the couch.

"Oh, that was too much!" Niall laughed as he wiped a tear out of his eye.

"Actually," Liam said looking at the large clock on the wall. "We should go pick up the pizza now, it's just in the restaurant down in the lobby. Who wants to come?" He stood up and clapped his hands together.

"ME!" Grace volunteered excitedly.

"I'll come for the food." Niall shrugged and stood up.

Harry and Louis both mumbled something and got up from the couch.

"You two mine as well come, everyone else is." Grace said to Zayn and I who were the only ones who didn't want to go.

"I'm good." I shrugged.

"Yeah me too, I think I'll just stay here." Zayn said.

"Alright then." Grace shrugged and they all headed out the door.

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