The Plan

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"Ok," Kanan said, rubbing his hands together, facing Hera. "What?" Hera asked confused.

"We got to get those two together." He said.

"Sabine and Ezra?" She asked.

"Of course." He said, obviously.

"Really?" She asked, still confused.

"Hera are you blind?" Kanan said.

"Ummmmm?" Hera said, feeling awkward.

"Sorry," Kanan said ending the awkward silence," but I can feel the force between the two and I can feel they finally feel the same way about each other. At first Sabine was like ummm and Ezra was all about her..."

One very long and confusing explanation later.

"And now they finally feel the same way about each other." Kanan finished, out of breath. Hera stood there confused.

"Let's do it." She said still puzzled, but happy that Kanan was excited about something again. "What's the plan?"

"I decided on a simple plan but I had a real good plan when I ran it by Chopper he may or may not have zapped me so..." he went on.

"Wait, wait," Hera interjected. "You involved Chopper before you came to me."

"Well, Chopper is more brutally honest than you." Kanan said, Hera crossed her arms. "You know I can't see whatever you're doing," Kanan said. Hera immediately put her arms down.

"I'm honest," she said.

"You are but you probably wouldn't of zapped me and said some very harsh words in droid code." He said.

Hera started to nod.. "You are right," she said, thinking that she should of gotten used to this after 6 months, but to be fair Kanan hasn't been around that much after Malachor.

"Ok, what is the plan?" Hera asked Kanan.

"Ok, first we get Zeb and Ezra up on the roof of the ghost." He said.

"Kanan we're in space." Hera said.

"Ohh, um how about this." He said, startled. "You talk to Sabine in the cockpit about her feeling for Ezra, I'll get him to tell me the same thing outside the door and when they both confess Chopper will open the door."

"I see a flaw in that plan." Hera said.



"I trust him."

"Do you really?"

"No, but I think he ships Sabezra enough to do this." Kanan said.

"Chopper ships Sabine and Ezra." Hera said.


"And you already have a ship name?"




They both started laughing at that. Hera was so glad to have her old Kanan back.

"Let's do this." Kanan said.

"Should we inform Zeb?" Hera asked.

"He already knows."

"So you're telling me that you told Zeb and Chopper about the plan before you came to me." She said.

"Yep." He replied.

"You say yep to much."

"Yep... you're right."

"Much better." She said and smiled.

"Here we go."

I would like to dedicate this chapter to sabinewrenrebels for inspiring me to write this.

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