The Trap

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"Sabine can you come help me with something." Hera called from the copit.

"Sure." Sabine answered coming from her room.

Hera pushed a button to signal Chopper in.

"What do you need?" Sabine asked, as Chopper deactivated the hyperdrive.

The ship jolted out of light speed into the nearest system as Sabine and Hera fell down.

"CHOPPER!" They both screamed.

Chopper grumbled and refused to turn the hyperdrive back on and rolled out of the cockpit and locked the door.

"I guess I need help with this." Hera said banging on the door, while Chopper got in position to open the door.

"Let's fix the hyperdrive first because I don't know what has gotten into that droid." Hera said.

Sabine and Hera began to work on the hyperdrive while Kanan called Ezra over to help.

"EZRA!" Kanan yelled, hoping his voice would reach the bunks.

"Coming Master." He replied.

Ezra came up to Kanan by the cockpit door.

"What happened this time?" He asked.

"Chopper locked the girls in the cockpit." Kanan replied.

"Chopper," Ezra said about to hit the droid.

"Calm down, you might want to wait till I tell you everything."


"Chopper," Ezra said, then chasing the droid around the ship.

"Get'm Ezra." Kanan said as Chopper responded confused. "Go with it." He whispered to Chopper.

As they ran around the ship, Sabine and Hera were finishing up the hyperdrive as Ezra, finally was out of breath and stood panting by the cockpit door while Chopper went back to set it up.

"Hey Ezra." Kanan said.

"Hey Sabine." Ezra said.

"What?" They both responded on the opposite sides of the door.

"Do you..." Hera started as Sabine fixed the hyperdrive.

"Do you..." Kanan said as Ezra finally pulled it together.

"Like Ezra? Hera said.

"Like Sabine?" Kanan asked.

"Ummm," they both responded, blushing.

Chopper opened the door.

"Yes, I like Ezra." Sabine said at the same time Ezra said.

"Yes, I like Sabine."

They both turned around and smiled at each other. Ezra embraced Sabine in a hug.

"I didn't think you liked me," Ezra said, trying to believe this dream.

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