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"So what do you think Kanan and Hera are doing?" Sabine asked Ezra as she finished up yet another piece of Kanera artwork.

"I don't know but let's hope Kanan doesn't accidentally kill Hera." He said with a smirk. "You know Kanan is going to kill you when he sees this in his room."

"Remember Kanan can't see that's what makes this perfect." She said and carried her paint cans back to her room followed by Ezra.

"You know what I mean." Ezra said, blushing.

"If Hera sees this we have to make Kanan asks her out again so we don't get killed." She said and the two of them meet up with Zeb in the common room.

"Anyone see the recruits around?" Zeb asked. "I can't seem to find Olivia, Ben, Jeremy or Owen."

"How did we lose four people?" Ezra asked and Sabine facepalmed.

"The same way you lost 200 credits to Chopper." She sassed.

"Well I mean we are stationed on one of our fleets ships, they probably just got off to look around." Ezra said, trying to come up with a valid explanation.

"Adventure awaits." Sabine said and smiled.

"At least we aren't going to die this time."

"You never know." Sabine said and ran off the Ghost into the command ship.

"I have to go after her you stay here and watch the ship." Ezra told Zeb, feeling a bit awkward to leave the lasat alone.

"Yes go I need some peace and quiet for once." Zeb said sitting down and he put his feet up on the table.

"Thanks." Ezra said and ran after his girlfriend.

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