The Mission

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"Ezra are you ok?" Sabine asked him.

"I think so but I feel different." He responded. "Is that Lothal?" He asked looking out the window.

"Yes, are you sure you are ready to do this after..." she started.

"Yes." He said, harshly, seeing her face, "I'm sorry, I don't know what's going on."

"Do you remember anything of what you saw in your vision?" She asked as the ship pulled up to the planet.

He thought for a moment. "No I don't, everything is black." He said.

"Unidentified ship, you are entering a planet under imperial control." A cold voice said over the comn, snapping the two back into reality.

"Yes, we have cargo for capital city." Sabine said.

"Send the code." The imperial said.

Sabine hit a button and send the code to the star destroyer.

"Clear, you made proceed." He said, and Ezra let out a breath, he didn't realize he was holding.

Sabine navigated the ship to the surface.

They landed in a grass field outside the capital.

"Imperials will recognize us." Sabine told Ezra.

"I've already got a buzz cut what else do I have to do?" Ezra joked.

Sabine pulled out a pack of hair dye from her belt.

"I'm going to dye my hair, you where this." She said as she pulled out a t-shirt and pants from a compartment.

"Don't look," Ezra said as he went to the back of the ship to change while Sabine dyed her hair brown again.

Ezra came out and watched her finish dyeing her hair.

"You look beautiful." He said to her.

"You too." She said and laughed.

"Ready to go?" Ezra asked as Sabine put the hair dye away.

"Yes." She replied and opened the back.



The two walked out hand in hand to the unknown dangers of Lothal.

They walked though the field away from the capital to the meeting spot out a few miles.

"Who do you think will be there?" Sabine asked Ezra, trying to resurface the vision.

"I don't know, but this place still feels like home, the air, the breeze, the lothcats." He said, smiling looking around at the beautiful scenery.

"What do you think Vader did with the Jedi temple here?" Sabine asked.

Ezra collapsed onto his knees and started breathing heavily.

"Ezra?" She asked, worried.

"The temple," he said, clearly engulfed by another vision.

"Ezra!" She said, concerned.

"I'll be fine." He choked out and stood out still dazed. "I remember the vision now."

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