The Force Wielder

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"I can use the force?" Olivia chocked out.

"Yes, you can you are strong with the force less so than Ezra and me but.." he trailed off.

"But what?" She asked.

"You are very close." He said, "do you mind staying with me tonight, I need to sleep on it, but it might make it easier if you are in the room."

"Sure." She said.

They walked out to tell the crew the news.

Sabine and Ezra were cuddled up on the couch Hera was sitting over in a chair looking though files and Zeb and Chopper were entertaining the boys.

"Olivia, Olivia, what's the news." Ben pestered.

"Your sister here is strong with the force." Kanan said and put his hand on her shoulder.

"Wow." Sabine said, looking up from Ezra's eyes.

"Sister, going to be a Jedi, sister is going to be a Jedi." Owen chanted running around.

"Are you going to train her?" Jeremy asked.

"Ummm...." Kanan said.

"I could." Ezra said, Kanan shot him a look with his mask.

"Really?" Olivia asked.

"No, Ezra you're not ready." Kanan said.

"Well, Anakin had a padawan as he was still training." Ben pipped up.

"Maybe." Kanan said, as Ezra smiled and Olivia did too.

"Times aren't the same anymore." He's said, "maybe it's for the best."

"Hera's right." Zeb said, "times aren't the same."

"Well it's getting late." Hera said. "I'm heading to bed."

"Goodnight. The boys can sleep with me and Zeb." Ezra said, getting up.

"Goodnight, honey." Sabine said.

"Cone on boys," Olivia said as the boys followed her to Ezra and Zeb's room.

Ezra climbed up to his bunk as Zeb laid down on his. The three boys then piled on Zeb and started to go to sleep.

"It's fine." Zeb whispered.

"Goodnight Owen." She said.


"Goodnight Ben."


"Goodnight Jeremy."


And with that Olivia closed the door and walked to Kanan's room.

"Goodnight Oliv's." Sabine said and went to bed.


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