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"The ghost reporting in." Hera said over the comn.

"You check out ghost, head into the bay." A voice said.

Hera pulled the ghost into the bay of the main cruiser-carrier.

"Good luck." Hera told Sabine and Ezra, "we'll be here waiting for you."

"Thanks," Sabine told her. "Ready to go," she asked Ezra.

"As ready as I'll ever be." He answered as they both waved to the crew and walked out of the cockpit and down the ramp onto the cruiser-carrier, the rebels stole.

"Are you Sabine and Ezra?" A young girl asked as she came up to them.

"Yes," Sabine replied.

"I'll show you to your ship and my father will explain you the details of the mission." She said and gestured for them to follow. Ezra waved one last time to the cockpit of the ghost and followed the girl along with Sabine.

"Sabine and Ezra, hello." A man; the girl's father said.

"Hello, sir." Sabine responded.

"You will be taking this ship." He said pointing to a ship that looked like the phantom.

"What do we need to know?" Ezra asked the man.

"Come aboard, I'll explain it there," he whispered to his daughter to go find mommy.

The three of them got onto the ship and they walked to the cockpit.

He pulled up a map of Lothal on the navicomputer.

"There is a band of rebels in capital city, that wish to defect." He said. "We have planned to met them a few miles away from the city in two days."

"You will identify and safety get them back to us, you have three days to complete this mission." He finished. "Good luck," he said and left the ship.

"Ready to go?" Ezra asked Sabine.

"Yes," she responded, and started up the ships engines, she began to pull the ship out of the carrier.

"I'm going home." Ezra said hopefully as the starts started to blur and Sabine entered the ship into hyperspace.

"How long till we get there?" Ezra asked Sabine as she put the ship on autopilot.

"About an hour, we aren't that far." She said.

"Do you think Ryder Azadi, will be there?" Ezra asked Sabine.

"I don't know, I do know he was on a mission to Lothal, I don't know where he is now." Sabine answered.

They rode there in silence for sometime, Ezra was meditating trying to see any unknown dangers.

"This ship needs some art," Sabine said, "I should of grabbed my paint."

Ezra continued to mediate.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhh!" Sabine heard Ezra scream as he was pulled into a vision.

"Ezra, Ezra!" Sabine said and came to his side but he was to deep in the vision.

"The empire, stormtroopers, a trap." Ezra yelled to the air.

"Ezra, I'm here, I'm here." Sabine tried to comfort him, but he didn't hear it.

He sat there shaking for a few more minutes on the ship, with Sabine at his side, hoping this would end.

"Home, home, rebels, stormtroopers." Ezra mumbled, Sabine leaned against him, he was cold.

Ezra stopped talking and went limp.

"Ezra, Ezra." Sabine cries and tried to contact the ghost, but all she got was static.

Pull it together, Sabine thought, it'll be ok.

She sat by Ezra for 10 minutes.

"Ezra please wake up." She said worried.

She couldn't take it anymore and she leaned over to him and kissed him, maybe the first and last time.

His eyes fluttered awake.

"Sabine," he said, but he seemed different.

"Ezra," she said, relived.

And the ship got out of hyperspace and they we greeted with Lothal.

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