The Second Date

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"Kanan told me." Ezra said.

"What?" She asked, confused.

"What you saw." He replied.

"What did he tell you?" She asked, not wanting to reveal much.

"Ummmm... you tell me." Ezra said.

Sabine punched him in the shoulder.

"Ezra, you're a bad lier." She said, laughing.

"I know, all he told me was you had a vision about the future and that I pestered him for more but he got very annoyed." He said.

"Ezra." Sabine facepalmed.

"What?" He said.

"Want to go on another date?" She asked, laughing at his confused face.

"Yes, please." He said, begging.

"Ezra." She shook her head and laughed at her boyfriend.

"Where do you want to go?" Ezra asked her.

"Anywhere away from our crazy crew." She laughed.

"Hmmm, isn't there a restaurant on this ship?" He asked.

"I won't call it a restaurant, it's more like a cafeteria." She said.

"Would that work?" He asked, trying not to be pushy.

"Sure, lets go." She said.

"Now." He said, scared. "Umm I need to get ready, my hair's a mess and.."

"Ezra, I take longer than you getting ready." She said, she then reached up and tussled his hair.

"Yes, your hair is a mess." She laughed.

"Should we tell the others?" He asked.

For an answer he got, "Kanan, Hera we are going on another date." She yelled though the ship. "See you later."

Before any of them could respond Sabine grabbed Ezra's hand and ran off though the desolate halls of the ship.

"Wow, this place needs some art." She said to Ezra still running."Hey, that could be our next couples activity."

"Don't we have to clear that first?" He asked her, breathing heavily.

"When did we ever follow the rules." Sabine said, and slowly started walking again.

"Whew. I thought you were never going to stop." He said.

"Hey, I thought Jedi's where supposed to be fit." She joked.

"Well, I did just eat like 10 waffles." He said, embarrassed.

"Ha!" She laughed. "Did Chopper put you up to it?" She asked.

"He always does." Ezra said as they neared the doors of the cruisers cafeteria.

Sabine pushed open the doors and they were greeted by tables and chairs and one line for food with about ten creatures in line. The tables were spread out some had six seats others had four or two.

Sabine walked over by a table that had a porthole to the outside space near it.

"Here you are." She said and sat down.

Ezra smiled.

"What do you want? I can go get in line for the two of us." He said.

"Hmm get me the Bantha Burgers with a side of Kamino fries." She said.

"Sure thing, artist." He said and walked away to order.

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