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Bradley entered the room all the brothers looked at him not bothered at all. They all had relaxed expressions; Angelo was sipping on a coke he had requested for.

"Hello boys, it's been a long time, at least now your parents can rest in peace and I too can rest well knowing I have brought you guys back home".

"Who the hell are you and how do know our parents", Angelo asked.

"I used to work for your parents; I was one of the body guards that came with you guys to Jordan".

"Stop this bull shit, from what I remember all the body guards were killed", Andrew spoke up.

"So you want us to be happy that the US government left us in captivity for twenty three years and finally decided to help us after we have been through hell", said Leonardo in a sarcastic voice.

"I understand that you guys are mad and have suffered a lot"

"Suffered a lot, you call watching our parents being killed in cold blood suffered, taught to kill at the age of ten, sleeping in a cold cell until we started making money for the bastard in the most awful brutal way. The times we were tortured and beaten to death then nursed back to life just to be sent back to the brink of it all over again. All because we were Americans and tried to escape. Suffering, well think again. That bastard only recognised that we human beings when we made him millions, killed for him and if we didn't do then it was us who would die, the sick bastard shot my baby brother in the chest if it wasn't for me promising to killing one of his enemy Angelo wouldn't have been treated".

"Am sorry I wasn't able to find you guys sooner but I have been looking for you guys for the last twenty three years with the help of the military, we have been tracking Sayid's movements until we came upon that specific secret compound, it was well hidden I have got to say. Any way the government is sorry for what happened to your parents, we were not first enough. They are going to hold a memorial service in their honour and you guys are going to be pardoned and fully compensated rather your father rest his soul, for his services to his country.

"How much are we talking about here", Angelo asked with a grin on his face. Bradley smiled at them,

"Ninety million, it will be sent to each of your account after the memorial".

Leo asked why they were still in cuffs. Bradley apologized and asked his men to take them off. They were booked in to the four season's hotel until the Memorial Day. Angelo was enjoying the new life and everything that came with it, the attention, stalking by the paparazzi since the media was all up in their case. They were camped out the hotel waiting for a glimpse of them and women kept showing up at their suites. It was as if they had become national celebrities or something. The disturbing part was that they were constantly asked about the murder of their parents in the numerous interviews they had with the different news channels. As for Andrew and Leonardo they seemed sorrowful and did not take to all the attention but Angelo had officially become their spokesperson when it came to the media. That night Leonardo called them to his room it had been four weeks now they had met with the president who extended his condolences and apology for not getting to them sooner, they had dinner together and he was so eager to hear about what they had went through, if only he knew how it affected them to talk about it, luckily Angelo was always able to change the course of the conversation. The president also attended their parent's memorial service which was broadcasted on all the international news channels. Big important ambassadors, congressmen, People they didn't know showed up for the memorial, it was as if their parents were celebrities, the Police department, secret service and homeland officers were everywhere. The members of parliament gave them their condolences. The president, Leonardo and Andrew gave a speech, and just like that the memorial ended.

"Hey Leo is everything ok, Andrew asked his brother"

"Am ok I just wanted us to discuss about the account Miguel left for us and his daughter. I was able to access the account in the Bahamas. Miguel had six hundred billion dollars on his account, we will get it and divide it accordingly as he wanted then leave Mariana's share on the same account until we find her. "By the way they offered me a job at the NSA and before Angelo asks what I will be doing, yes will be an adviser and commander, though I have to go through a one month special training program to earn the rank, I will be an exception. They will be considering the hell training I went through in Iraq."

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