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It had been two days since she had kissed Andrew, Melissa remembered how he tasted, still felt his six pack albs against her palms, the big pectoral muscle, Andrew may be a scientist but he definitely had a body of a NFL player, all tall, muscular and well proportioned. She so much wanted to wander to the research building right then and continue her tour of his body. But Tuesday was busy hectic for her she had to represent Dr Jackson in court after that troublesome mother of an addict sued him for negligence and yet it was her son who had taken more unprescribed sedatives despite being admitted for overdose but thankfully the cctv cameras had caught a friend of the boy handing him the unprescribed drugs and luckily today in court the boy confessed and the judge dismissed the case. Immediately she drove her jeep sedan back to the hospital where a staff meeting was waiting for her cause she was required to educate the staff about the legal rights patients also possessed of current. The meeting ended at around three in the evening and she was staving she hadn't taken breakfast in the morning.

She rushed to the Hospital cafeteria to get a sandwich and some juice. She was seated alone enjoying her meal when she overheard some staff ladies back biting her. Most of them didn't like her for perusing Andrew and yet they themselves didn't have the balls to approach the alpha male. Anyway she noticed Andrew enter the cafeteria, he went to the counter and ordered sandwich too. The cash girl was openly flirting with him and out of nowhere Nelly the head of paediatric also joined him at the counter and started smiling and touch him inviting him to have a snack with him. Melissa so wanted to tackle the woman to the ground and show her never to mess with another woman's man. But no she couldn't lower herself despite the fact that she loved Andrew and besides he didn't accept her feelings. So she went back to eating her sandwich fast so as to get away, she couldn't watch Andrew so care free enjoying another woman's company and yet he didn't want to spend a few ten minutes in her presence. It hurt that no Matter what she did he still refused to acknowledge her feelings for him. But to her surprise
"Hey princess eat slowly I wouldn't want you to choke".
She did choke because a bread scrub went down the wrong way in her surprise but Andrew set his tray down opened his water bottle and lifted it her lips telling her to drink up while his other hand rubbed soothing circles on her back. When she stopped coughing, she looked at him with tearful eyes, "Thank you". Andrew took his handkerchief and wiped the tears away then handed it to her. The whole situation got the other women talking rudely about her even if Andrew could hear what they were saying.
"Don't mind them, are you alright?"
"Take that bitches, he came to me", Mel thought before answering,
"Am ok, thank you"
"Are they always this rude to you?"
"Yes but I got used to it', she then leaned in to whisper in his ear,
"They are like that mostly because I had the balls to claim you and they didn't", then blew air into his ear, he shivered and she just smiled at him drinking from his water bottle which he also took from her and took a big gulp of the soothing liquid to calm his body that was reacting to Melissa's moist pink lips.
"So what do I owe this visit, you never come to me it's always me coming to you", Mel asked, Andrew who took a bite of his sandwich,
"I was wondering if we could talk about some business, do you have time."
"Yes anything for you but as of now I have got a tone of paper work why we don't meet at five".
"Ok princess see at five".
"Hold up where are we meeting," Melissa asked
"How about my office".
"Why not that new French restaurant it has the best French cuisines I have ever had, anyway never mind me. I will be there".
At five fifteen Melissa walked in to the research building and went straight for Andrew office and knocked, "it's me".
"Yes come in Melissa".
"Hey handsome, by the way where is Janet she not at her desk". Janet was Andrew's secretary.
"She had a headache I sent her home early. Have a seat Melissa", Andrew told her ever so seriously.
"Okay so what is this you want to discuss with me"?
"I am in the process of acquiring a pharmaceutical company, more like a chain of companies from someone who's just driving it under the ground. He realized it and he has agreed to sell to me. So that's where you come in I was wondering if you could go through the deeds, contracts and important paper of the company as legal counsel, see if everything is in order before I buy it. In wards I need you legal expertise, and I will pay the necessary fees for your service".
"Oh speaking of my fees, will you be able to afford them", Melissa said with a raised brow. Andrew just moved to a drawer and retrieved a file, moved from behind his desk to where she was seated and handed the papers to her.
"Melissa am buying a damn chain of companies how can I not be able to pay my lawyer".
"Ok if you say so", Melissa said with a mischievous grin on her lips.
"So what's your price?"
"Oh you will know with due time for now let me take a look at these papers". Said as she put on her tiny reading glasses and Andrew took seat beside her intrigued that his sexy bold princess also had some vulnerability, she didn't look so aggressive in her reading glasses but adorable and vulnerable, the urge to protect her intensified. After going through the first papers she took off her glasses chewing the ends, she continued reading then she put the papers down turning to look at him. She found him staring at her with evident lust and longing.
"Andrew if you keep looking at me like that you may as well do to me the things you are thinking of. Cause the way you are looking at me now, it's making me hot all over", that snapped Andrew out his hot fantasy where he had her flat on her back on his desk kisses her soft sweet candy lips, his tongue calling hers out to play, moving to her neck kissing using his teeth to mark her as his, then tenderly sucking on the bruised skin making her gasp and ach her back as his hand moved lower and cupped her breast caressing and gently squeezing the beautiful flesh, moving his lips to her picked nipple sucking and tugging on it though her silk blouse, she called his name," Andrew..."
"Andrew did you get any of what I just said?"
"Oh am sorry princess what did say again?"
"Huh caught you, you were away thinking of me right", "Anyway I was saying that so far nothing is a mess but I need some time to go through the papers critically and investigate about the company. But as of now am a little exhausted so I will get back to you on Friday because I have to investigate it's dealings at least here in Washington before I give you a go ahead".
"Ok you can take the file with you. Let me walk you to your car though".
"Why thank you my handsome sir", Andrew just smiled at her as he carried her bag and laptop bag as they walked to her car.

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