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Melissa told him she was going to take care of it and in no time they reached another hallway.
"The cellar is down the stairs in the basement but first, she opened a door to a bathroom. First I wash this stain off my dress or it will be spoilt forever".
"Ok, then I will get the wine",
"No Andrew wait, I will need your help with the zip please", Melissa said turning to show him her bootilious back side to him. Andrew didn't know what to do but Melissa pulled him in to the bathroom and locked it. The bathroom was big with a three head shower, sauna, bathtub and all, Andrew stood in the middle not knowing what to say or do. His sexy princess I had finally corned him.

Melissa walked to the sinks in front of him. Through the big wide mirrors she could see Andrew clearly checking her out, looking up to the mirrors he found her too looking back at him. He cleared his throat as he undid two buttons of his shirt, eyes still on her behind. Melissa slowly moved her hands to her zipper
"Andrew a little help", she called out to him from where he was admiring her body. He walked up behind her, holding the zip he lowered it inch by inch revealing her gorgeous silky smooth skin, his breathing had gone up a notch he looked in to the mirror, Melissa had her eyes locked with his. She pulled off her dress moved a step back bringing her behind in contact with his body, she bent down slowly feeling every part of him, got her dress and dropped it in the sink
"What's all this Melissa?" Andrew asked little sweat beads on his forehead.
She turned around and looked in to his cloudy desire filled eyes, and said nothing, brown eyes fixed on his lips, only a second passed before he grabbed her by the waist, pulled her against his body kissing her passionately, hard she melted in his arms. she held on to him as his lips wandered to caress her neck, he unhooked her bra and threw it across the room.
"God I knew you were beautiful but this doesn't hold a candle to my fantasies I had of you," Andrew said cupping one breast caressing and squeezing the enticing flesh gently, Melissa threw her head back against his chest, enjoying the attention Andrew was giving to her aching body. He rubbed her aroused rose bud nipple eliciting a loud moan and his name out of her lips. She was so overwhelmed her knees couldn't keep her up. If it weren't for Andrew's strong arms holding her she would be a paddle on the floor. He lifted her up on to the sink, separated her legs and got between them. He wrapped her long legs around his waist and went back to kissing her senseless, only stopping to catch a breath as his attention was directed to her aching nipples, his tongue licked and sucked on each bud hungrily. Biting on each bud, Melissa enjoyed the sore pleasure only to have it soothed away when Andrew resumed licking the soreness away, his lips went back to hers kissing her with so much passion and longing. His lips trailed to her ear whispering to her,
"You are so beautiful" then he looked in to her eyes for a second before he moved back from between her thighs, she thought he was leaving but instead hooked his fingers in the waistband of her panties pulling them off and dropping them on to the floor and in seconds was back between her naked thighs. He pulled her against his body where she felt his hard arousal bulging in his jeans, she rubbed her aching core on his cock as she held on to him for dear life until he went back to tormenting her buds while his other hand moved down her rib cage and stop above her lady parts. she was shivering in hot pleasure, he brought his face back up, looked her straight in eyes has one of his big fingers glided over her core bud, she gasped in shock moaning in pleasure as he rubbed it. She threw her head against the mirror arcing her back in pleasure. He whispered something in her ear before pushing a finger through her entrance
"Please breathe my princess I don't want you fainting on me before I make you come".
"Oh...hmm...ah...Andrew", was all she could manage with her heavy breathing as his professional finger massaged her aching inner walls, his thumb never leaving her bud, the pressure was building up to a point where it became agony. She desperately wanted to feel the fireworks already and she did the moment he pushed a second finger in her bringing her to her very first ever mind blowing orgasm of her life. She cried out his name but his lips covered hers drowning her cry. Breathing heavy and satisfied in Andrew's arms, this was her dream; she looked into his content gray eyes and asked
"What about you", she whispered as she touched his huge erection eliciting a loud groan from him.
"Sorry did I hurt or....?"
"Am okay princess. But what have I done, this wasn't supposed to happen"
"NO Andrew, you did what both our bodies wanted and now it's my turn to take care of you", she said pushing her hands in his jeans holding him in both hands squeezing lightly, rubbing up and down his cock. His face fell in the crook of her neck, kissing her but a knock at the door interrupted them and to make matters worse it was her father at the door.
"Princess are you ok in there".
She was breathing heavily, slight sweat on her totally pleasured body. Doing her level best to sound Normal
"Yes daddy am okay, I will be out in a second, just go ahead I will be there".
"You need to get out there or your father will suspect something. Am not his favourite as it is and for a good reason, I always manage to make you cry". He whispered carrying her off the sink on to the ground. Her father was still at the door calling her, Andrew pulled a bathrobe off the hook then helped her put it on but before she opened the door she turned and kissed him passionately.
"You do know I don't want to leave you but daddy will get suspicious as you have said", with that she opened the door and walked in to the hallway.
"princess are you ok".
"Yes, just upset about my dress it was my favourite".
"Am sorry child but do go change and check on the lanterns, it's only an hour to the ceremony".
"Okay dad".
She took a rush hot shower, her whole body still felt sensitive. She felt every single drop of water that hit her body. Ten minutes later she was done and putting on her ankle length chiffon sun dress, applying on her nude colour lip stick. She rushed down stairs to the parking area where the truck delivering the lanterns had just arrived.
She signed for the delivery and the lanterns were carried in to the garden where she started distributing the air lamps. Angelo joined her "hey sis, by the way if you don't mind me saying, you never told what this whole ceremony is about".
"Huh you are serious"
"Well when I was ten years old I got teased a lot at school and the playgrounds for not having a mom, I remember one day dad came back home and found me crying, Nana had tried to calm me to no veal so dad told me about my mom that she had gone to heaven but I could tell her anything I wanted and that I could wish for anything and she would ask god on my behalf and I would have it.


The next day he came home with two lanterns we both wrote something to her. I promised her to take care of dad and wished that the other children would stop teasing me. Ever since then we have had the ceremony on my parent's anniversary which was also her birth day, only close family and friends are invited. And here is your lantern".
"Well thank you but I have to ask did the teasing really stop".
"Surprisingly it did stop and I take care of daddy as promised".
"Hey princess get here so we can start", her father called out to her standing in their large green lawn. Everyone had their lamps lit and waiting for her and her father to send off theirs first.
"Wait Angelo where is Andrew"
"Am right here Princess" Andrew said behind them. They both turned, she ran to him and hugged him,
"I thought you had left"
"No I wouldn't am still here. So do I get a lamp? They laughed off her dramatics as she gave him the last one and they all walked to the open lawn. She wrote down her wish and message placed it in the lantern and lit it.
"Am done daddy", Kevin threw his arm around his daughter and kissed on the forehead,
"Am so proud of you princess and I love you so very much"
"I love you too daddy", she said with a smile on her face.
"I have a lot to tell mum", she said looking at Andrew and Angelo who were standing close to them a step back.
"Ok what do you say we start this", her father said. They let their lanterns raise and float in the sky, Andrew and Angelo released their lamps as did everyone. The sky was lit up by the small lamps and this year it looked even more beautiful than the stars that were twinkling in the sky above them. Everyone had dinner and then the guests started leaving and so did Angelo and Andrew who left together.

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