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As for me, you guys are talking to the new owner of Johan software company right here in Washington”, Angelo said.
“Am happy for you little brother”, Leo said patting Angelo on the shoulder.
“What about you bro”, they all turned to Andrew, who was so relaxed taking his orange juice,
“Me, huh”,
“Spit it out Andrew we don't have all day monk”, Angelo asked with an amused expression, sipping on his whiskey.
“Ok Angelo I will spit it out. I bought some big shares in the Westside hospital am a silent partner. The hospital's owner Mr Kevin Kennedy also offered me a job on the Westside hospital research centre team”.
“It's that rich people hospital, wow brother”.
“Shut up Angelo it a private hospital not rich people hospital, got it”, Leonardo said with a smile. Anyway am happy for you two and hope you will spend wisely and be kind specially you Angelo. I will be leaving for my program tomorrow”.
“Hey before you leave you both have to come to my house warming”, Angelo said.
“Yes Andrew I bought an apartment building, though I will only be using the penthouse”.
“Congratulations Angelo. Andrew where will you be staying, I would like to leave knowing you are settled too”.
“No need to worry Leo I just made an offer on a six bedroom house, it has a guest house and swimming pool. It’s a one hours’ drive from the city centre. You two have bedrooms there but I think Angelo will be hosting a lot to even drop by”. Angelo was the wild one among them and in the span of one month he had already made friends. They went out clubbing every single night.
“But as for you big brother, your room will be waiting for you when you return”.

One Year later
Andrew was working late in his lab at Westside hospital research centre when he had a knock at door looking up he saw Mr Kevin at the door accompanied by Robert the director of the whole research centre.
“Working late again I see, Mr Kevin stated”,
“Not as hard as you guys. What can I do for you gentlemen”, Andrew asked noting something down on his pad then moved away from the microscope to take off his lab coat. He asked his partner and colleague to follow him to his office.
“Well I have chosen my replacement as director of the research centre and am happy to say it’s you Andrew, congratulations”, the fifty something old man said shaking Andrew’s hand.
“Thanks gentlemen for trusting me with that responsibility and I will do my very best”, Andrew said slipping on his Armani coat.
The year had been great for him he had made an antidote to a new strand of a flu virus that had broken out in Asia. He was awarded for his great work but at the back of his mind he had a thought that Sayid might be behind the outbreak. Leo had also returned with a good lead on Mariana’s where about. It was working out for them.
“Tomorrow my princess. Sorry I mean Miss Melissa will come by with some paper work for you to sign so as to finalize everything. Oh and on Monday we have a board meeting don’t forget”. Kevin said standing up to shake his hand then left with Robert.

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