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It was not long before Friday arrived and Melissa went to his office and informed him of all her findings and told him that it was okay to buy the company and that legally everything was ok.
"Thank you Melissa can you help draw up the contracts and agreements for me"
"Of course but I would love a down payment if you don't mind"
"Of course", Andrew said as lay back in his chair, muscles flexing deliciously against his white shirt. "Just give me your account number I will transfer the money right now", he said while typing at his computer, already in his account ready to send the money"
"Oh no I don't want money, tomorrow is my is my mother's birthday and we usually celebrate it even if she's long gone, it's a way of keeping her in our lives. I want you and your brothers to come."
"Am sorry princess"
"It's okay I never really met her, she passed away right after she had me, It's weird but I miss like crazy but at least I have dad to love and take care of or the other way around. But it would have been nice having a woman in my life maybe I would not have grown up to be so forward the way am with you, at least that's what everyone in the hospital says"
"Andrew moved to her and hugged her tightly"
"It's okay princess I understand and please don't pay attention to what those nosy women say about you, I like you the way you are, but still I don't deserve you, you're way too good for me", Andrew said with a soft touch to her cheek
"Don't say that Andrew I love you the way you are". Just then Janet opened the door finding them in each other's arms; uttering her apologies she closed the door back.
"I have to get back to work but I will be expecting you", Melissa said rushing out the door not giving him a chance to protest.
That Saturday Andrew woke up all cranky and tired through out the whole night he kept having dreams of him making love to Melissa and every time he woke up in a cold sweat and a painful erection, for damn's sake he had to take five cold showers through the night to calm his body but it didn't cooperate it knew who it wanted and refused to work with his brain. And here he was aroused again at seven in the morning.

Five hours later at the Kennedy estate the party had already started Melissa and her dad had welcomed most of their guests who included her mother and father's family and family friends. The Newman brothers though were yet to arrive but at least Leonardo had called to inform her that he would not be able to make it and that Angelo and Andrew would be there to represent him. It was already midday and none of Newman's had showed up. She had given up on the party and had gone up to her room, half an hour later as she was still enjoying her vanilla coconut bubble bath, Trish her personal maid and friend knocked on her door,
"There's someone here to you see Miss Melissa"
"Who is it?"
"Hey pumpkin open up you're missing the party".
"Angelo is that you?" Melissa said all wrapped up in a short soft yellow bath robe. She opened the door and Angelo got in.
"Hey why are not at the party, are you alright".
"Am not really feeling it Angelo, but I will go down for the lantern ceremony", she said as she sat down on the couch of her bedroom living room".
"Is this because of my brother?"
"Kind of, yes it's because of him. Well I invited him today but he isn't here and I doubt he will be here. He's such jerk, sorry I know his your brother".
"No don't be, Andrew is just slow but he will come around, keep fighting for him. And speaking of coming around. That jerk is down stairs at the party. Still not going down?"
"What! Andrew came, why didn't you tell me this earlier", Melissa said throwing a pillow at him. She rushed to her closet room. She put on her lacy channel lingerie
She burst through the door into her bedroom where Angelo was seated on her bed, he gapped at her
"So what do you think? Will he like it"
"Only a crazy man wouldn't love it, wow your bring sexy back and to another whole new level. But hold up why are  you asking".
"Well his going to take it off, might as well enjoy the view", she said with a mischievous smile.
"That monk brother of mine is so lucky". Angelo said as Melissa ran back in to her closet and put on her tight white knee length dress.
They entered the gardens and immediately her father called her to greet the coppers, luckily Angelo was with her, so Jason didn't bother her, Angelo got drinks for the both of them.
"Thanks Angelo"
"You are welcome". They sat down on the shade drinking their cocktails but Melissa kept searching through the crowd for her guest but she couldn't find him.
"Hey come on enjoy your party, his here and you will see him, but what do you plan to do to him once you find him. Hold on should I even ask, no, don't tell".
Melissa turned to him and smiled sipping her drink, "well as I told you earlier he has to see it and besides I have a new plan, he can't escape me today".
"So in other wards you're going to seduce the hell out of my monk of a brother", he said and they both laughed at each other"
"Trust me his not a monk in any way".
"Cheers and good luck to you", Angelo said.
Melissa was playing with one of her small nephews who was seated in her lap when Andrew walked in to the gardens at 6 ft 3 he looked so handsome in those Armani navy blue jeans, lavender shirt and black jacket, red wine glass in his hand. "My mystery man" she breathed. Her father walked up to him and they started charting, she put little Jerry in his mother's lap and bee lined to where her father was. When she approached them her father hugged her and told her to keep Andrew Company then left them alone.
"You look so beautiful today", Andrew said unable to keep his eyes off her body. His eyes wandered down her body then up again to her cleavage having a feast.
"Huh you mean to say that it's only today that I look beautiful. Oh am hurt", Melissa said faking hurt holding her chest.
"No it's not what I meant, what am trying to say is that you look extra stunting and beautiful not only today but always".
"Anyway am glad you made it, I thought you were not coming". As they were still talking her father asked her to bring some more vintage wine from the basement cellar, but as she was pivoting to go to the cellar, little ones rushed by her making her to lose her balance, knocking Andrew and slipping the red wine he was taking all over the front of her white dress.
"Am so sorry Melissa", Andrew apologised still holding Melissa tight by the waist.
"It's ok just come help me with the wine". They entered the house and went to the east side where the cellar was located but before they went down the stairs, Andrew asked about her dress, if it wouldn't get stained.

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