Chapter 1.

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Chapter 1.


My name is Maybelline.

You can call me Maybel for short.

Or May for shorter.

Yeah, my name is the name of a makeup brand but I'm one of the rare twenty-year-olds who doesn't cake their face with cosmetics.

I went to school for art. I'm an artist. Art helps me release my feelings into the world. And the great part is, I don't even have to speak.

I also like music. If I'm not creating things, I'm listening to music or playing the piano.

I'm just like you. I sleep, eat, and breathe oxygen. Isn't that what all human beings do?

"Hi Maybel! Here for your regular?" the cashier behind the counter asks, and I'm snapped back into reality.

I nod my head and smile. The cashier disappears and comes back with my medicine. It's to help relieve stress. I carry a lot of that stuff around with me and I wish I didn't.

"That'll be 5 bucks," the cashier rings up my bill and I fish out the money.

As she's putting it into the machine she warns, "now don't go all suicidal and eat the whole bottle okay? I want to see you back here."

I make a straight face and salute her, making a wordless promise. She's said that every time I've come in this store and she's been behind the counter.

I walk back out onto Main Street. I know a lot of the people walking past me and it's not very long until I spot the face of one of my best friends from highschool.

I quickly speed walk up to her and tap her on the shoulder. She looks over and a smile forms on her face.

"May! How've you been?" Payton asks.

I give her a thumbs up. We had always been the perfect pair. She made up for me not speaking by always knowing what I was going to say.

I gave her a quizzical look, which clearly said, "how about you?"

She grins and says, "I'm great! I have a boyfriend now and I'm waiting for Maddeline and Diamond to hurry their asses up."

Diamond and Maddeline were two of my other friends from highschool.

"My boyfriend's name is Calum by the way. He's in the band that usually opens up for One Direction. That's that other band I used to like. His band is called 5 Seconds of Summer." Payton giggles. "You got a boyfriend yet?"

I shake my head 'no'. I always have people tell I'm pretty but no one wants a girlfriend who doesn't talk and can't say 'I love you'.

Payton frowns. "You need to get moving! You'll be an old maid soon!" She jokes and I grin. She's always cracking jokes.

"I was going to ask you something but I forgot what it was," she states. "Wait, I got it! Do you want to come to a One Direction concert with me? I'm just going to support Calum but I'd also like to listen to One Direction again. I want you to meet him!"

I nod my head, eagerly accepting her invitation. "Okay, it's this weekend. You can just come over to my place on Friday and we'll go on Saturday." I nod my head again.

"Payton!" someone yells. I turn and see Diamond and Maddeline.

"I got to go!" Payton says. "I'll text you!"

I nod and continue on my way to work. When I get to Starbucks, I'm shocked at how many people are there. The line goes out the door and that's not usual.

I make my way to the back and put on my name tag and apron. I take up my place behind the counter when I hear yelling over everything else.

"Lia-Leeroy! Just go ask!" A blonde boy in Ray Bans is yelling at a guy with a mustache and trench coat. Lia-Leeroy is a strange name for a guy.

The mustache guy quickly shakes his head and turns around, finding out that he was clogging the line. His cheeks flush red and I'm surprised by how cute it is.

"Hi! Welcome to Starbucks. What can I get you?" Audrey asks. She's my partner. My boss thought that it would be rude to the customers, seeing as I can't talk and greet them and blah blah blah, so she takes the order and I fetch it.

The mustached guy orders and Audrey picks up a cup and sharpie.

"Name?" She asks.

"Leeroy," he grumbles.

She scribbles his name on the cup and passes it to me. I can feel his eyes on me as I fill up the cup with coffee and pass it back to Audrey who passes it to him. I meet his eyes, making him avert his eyes and blush again. Who is this guy?

He pays and with one last glance at me, leaves with the blonde guy, letting the line flow smoothly once again.


After a hard day at work, I am just about ready to collapse out of exhaustion.

I sit down at my piano and start to play. My fingers move smoothly and efficiently across the ivory keys. I've been playing piano ever since the accident. It helps me express myself.

After a good half an hour of piano playing, I make myself dinner and then go and get ready for bed.

I get into my bed and my eyes close almost immediately.

A thought surprises me.

"Will he be there tomorrow?"



So there's chapter 1.

Not very good, I know. It'll get better.

I hope you continue read this,

I love you


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