Chapter 31.

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Chapter 31.

I open my eyes and the first thing I realize is that someone's arms are around me and they aren't Luke's.

I slowly turn and see Liam's sleeping face next to me. All of the memories from yesterday come back in a rush, causing me to lie down again.

"Good morning Belle," Liam's voice, heavy with sleep greets me.

I smile at him and he retracts his arm. "Did my arm bother you?" he asks nervously.

I shake my head with a smile on my face.

"Good," he snuggles his face back into the pillow so only one of his chocolate brown eyes is looking at me.

I turn my face because I probably look ugly. It's morning and I always look ugly then.

"Don't hide from me," Liam says with a chuckle.

I pull the blankets up to my forehead and hear him laugh.

"Maybel, come on out please," Liam asks with a hint of sadness in his voice. "I want to see you."

This makes me smile and pop my head back out.

He grins at me. "Can I kiss you?"

I shyly nod and he plants his lips on mine. It doesn't last very long but during the time that it does, I can literally hear the fireworks.

"Does this mean, we're like, together?" Liam asks, blushing.

I shrug. I honestly don't know what we're doing.

"Okay, let me put it this way," Liam sighs and runs a hand through his short hair. "Maybelline, do you want to be my girlfriend?"

He grins at me and it's hard to resist his smile. I can't do anything but nod as he leans in to kiss me again.

When we pull away he says, "well. That was a heck of a morning if I do say so myself. We probably should get up now."

He throws the covers off of his body and ambles of to the bathroom.

I smile to myself and gingerly step out of bed. I throw on a Rolling Stones T'shirt and some black leggings before making my way to the kitchenette where everyone else is already situated.

"Hey May," Louis says and waves me over. "Have you ever been to a party?"

I shake my head.

"Aw man. You've missed out," Michael chimes in.

"No you haven't. All they do is get drunk and have sex. It's all a bit boring," Diamond peeks out from behind Michael.

"Well anyway, one of Harry's friend's cousin's brothers is throwing one tonight and we were thinking of going," Louis says nonchalantly. "You in?"

I shrug. I don't really want to go. I don't fit into that crowd.

"It's okay. I'm not going," Julia says from over by the TV.

"What?" Niall turns to her with wide eyes.

"What's your problem?" she glares at him. It's hard to believe they're going to get married in a couple months.

"Why aren't you going? I was looking forward to-" Julia places a hand over his mouth.

"Well I wasn't," she says flatly.

Niall rolls his eyes. "What am I supposed to do tonight then?"

"Cuddle with me?" She gives him puppy dog eyes and he reluctantly gives in.

"Niall, me, and Diamond aren't going so you can stay here with us if you want," Julia suggests, ignoring the glare she receives from Niall.

I nod. That sounds great.

"You're going to miss out on a great time," Louis says but I think he directs it more towards Julia than me.

"Leave us alone mate," Niall glares at him.

"Fine, fine," Lou turns back to Zayn, Harry, Luke, and Michael. Ashton and Calum were supposedly still sleeping and Liam was still in the shower.

I grabbed myself some cereal and sat down at the table. Soon Liam sauntered in, shaking his head so that water droplets landed on anyone near him.

"Watch it mate," Luke glares at Liam even though they were no where near each other and I doubt that Liam's water had gotten on Luke.

"So what's this I hear about a party?" Liam asks as he grabs a bottle of water from the fridge and twists the cap off.

"Harry's cousin's friend's sister is throwing a party tonight," Michael answers.

"No. It's my friend's cousin's brother," Harry gives Michael a weird look as he peels a banana.

Michael furrows his brow for a minute, thinking. "Same thing," he finally says.

"They're not the same you idiot," Calum says as he walks into the room followed closely by Ashton.

"Where were you guys?" Zayn asks.

Calum rolls his eyes. "Somebody wouldn't stop texting Maddeline last night so he was all tired this morning and I couldn't wake him up," Calum glares pointedly at Ashton.

"Hey. Mikey does it all the time to Diamond," Ashton points to Michael.

"Since when?" Diamond asks.

"I- what?" Michael chimes in.

"He only texted me three times. Once to ask if it was 'what you eat is what you are?' The next text he sent said 'or is it what you are is what you eat?' Then he finally just gave up and told me his motto was YOLO," Diamond shrugged.

"Ashton, what the fuck are you talking about?" Michael asked.

"Maybel can I talk to you in the hall for a second?" A very familiar voice asked. I turned to see a very sad Luke. I was fine leaving this conversation plus I didn't want to hurt him anymore so I nodded.

When we got in the hall he started. "I've been such a dick to you. I'm sorry and I want you to know that you are a gorgeous girl who didn't deserve to be hurt by me. Can you ever forgive me?"

I felt tears in my eyes. He was just as confused as I was.

"Can we maybe-"

"What's going on?" Liam's voice angrily asked.

"Nothing," Luke said honestly.

"Get away from her or you'll be sorry," Liam glared at Luke until he backed into the kitchen.

As soon as he was gone, Liam asked me, "where did he touch you?"

I shook my head.

"Stop lying to me," Liam said, frustrated.

I rolled my eyes. Couldn't he tell I was telling the truth?

"Anyway, I'm going to the party tonight," Liam tells me and my eyes widen.

"It's okay I'll be fine," Liam laughs and gives me a hug.

Luke'll be there too and if they are in the same room, all hell is gonna break loose.




Diamond and Mikey's new ship name is #mime.

How do ya like the new cover?

Thanks for over 1.5k reads!

Ed sheeran > you #sorrynotsorry

ily all!

-Jules xx

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