Chapter 33.

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Chapter 33.

I hear a groan and instantly realize that it came from me. Last night was too much. Too much for my messed up brain.

"Hey, could someone get me some water?" I hear a soft voice call from outside my door. It sounds like Liam but I can't be sure.

I slowly get out of bed and slip on an old T'shirt and shorts and go see what they want.

I open the door to the hallway, and the first thing I realize, is that it smells absolutely rotten. Someone must have either puked, not taken a shower in a month, or were slowly rotting away on the floor.

I pinched my nostrils shut and walked to where the groaning person lay. It was Liam and to make my day, Luke was just a couple chairs away. Hint the sarcasm.

I go to to the kitchen and get two glasses of water for the hungover boys on the couches.

I set a glass of water by Liam and he gives me a small, sad smile. "Thanks," he croaks and slowly lifts the cup to his chapped lips.

I move over to Luke and place the other glass on the table near him. His eyes flutter open and he gives me a lazy smirk. "Thank you May," he tells me and I give him a small smile back. "Y'know," he starts with a yawn, "I really am not the same without you." Luke looks at me with broken blue eyes and I nearly crack

"I'd really like you to be my girlfriend again," he says and blushes as he shrugs.

I give him a strangled smile and walk out of the room filled with hormones and feelings that I don't want to deal with.


Six hours later the boys are getting ready for a concert. Why they got drunk the night beforehand? I have no idea. Maybe they just weren't thinking.

I go to the front row of the arena with Payton, Julia, and Diamond and together we wait for it to start.

Fans start to trickle in and it gets noisier and noisier until finally the lights flash and 5SOS makes a grand entrance. The screaming fans just get louder.

They start out with She Looks So Perfect and Don't Stop. Then Luke makes an announcement.

"So um, I'm kind of going through a tough time right now," he admits into the mic and runs a hand through his blonde hair.

"It has to do with a girl that I like a lot," at this, his eyes meet mine and he falters. "So I wrote a song and we're gonna play it. Hope you like it," he says to the crowd but he's looking at me. The fans go wild but all I feel is a sinking feeling in my chest.

A guitar starts and then Luke is kind of singing our story.

The fans scream in excitement. I scream in frustration.

"If what we had was real,

How could you be fine?

'Cause I'm not fine at all.

I remember the day you told me you were leaving.

I remember the makeup running down your face.

And the dreams you left behind you didn't need them.

Like every single wish we ever made.

I wish that I could wake up with amnesia.

And forget about the stupid little things.

Like the way it felt to fall asleep next to you.

And the memories I never can escape.

'Cause I'm not fine at all."

Luke glances at me and begins the next verse as the crowd screams their approval. I am seriously about to cry. This is so sad.

On the last sad note, Luke sings, "Tell me this is just a dream, 'cause I'm really not fine at all."

I can feel Payton, Diamond, and Julia's gazes on me as the song ends. I want to scream and cry and laugh all at the same time.

It's obvious that Luke wrote that song specifically for me. He basically just told the story of #Maybelluke to the whole damn world.

5 Seconds of Summer exits the stage and One Direction enters. The rest of the concert is a blur. All I know is that Liam keeps looking at me and I keep feeling tears slip down my cheeks.

I need to get away so the pain will stop. I need to do something.

I want to go home.

I pull out my phone and without any other thought, buy the last ticket to America on the 8 AM flight tomorrow morning.





so I guess I had a kind of bad day today. Sorry if this gets a bit depressing. I really just need a hug from someone who won't screw me over and lie to me constantly. There's probably no one out there but whatever

No one cares anyway so

please vote and comment

it would be great.

i love you guys even if some of you make me angry

-julia // footballwithniall


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