Surprise Surprise (Chp. 9)

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I looked away from my father, crossed my arms, and stared at the sheets of my bed. "Keri? Keri, please listen to what I have to say. Keri? Keri?!?!," My father told me getting frustrated, but I still ignored him. The boys and my best friends stood to the side awkwardly. "LOOK I SAID I'M SORRY!!! I APOLOGIZED!!! WHAT ELSE DO YOU WANT KERI!!!" This shocked me. Not because he yelled at me, but because he was actually asking THAT question. "What else do I want?" I whispered. "WHAT ELSE DO I WANT?!?!" I got out of the bed and screamed at him, "I WANT YOU TO APOLOGIZE NOT TO ME, BUT TO MOM!!! I WANT AN EXPLANATION TO MAKE UP FOR ALL THOSE YEARS YOU ABANDONED YOUR OWN FAMILY!!! GOD DAMMIT, DON'T YOU REALIZE THAT!!!!!"

Now it was his turn to look shocked. He opened his mouth to say something. Nothing came out. He closed his mouth and tried talking again, but the words seemed to be stuck to himself. He soon sat down on my bedroom couch on the other side of the room while the others came over to me to comfort and most likely end up questioning me. I turned to my friends and best friends. We stared at each other for a few seconds until Eleanor embraced me into a bone-breaking friendly hug. The others joined into what was a huge group hug. We all separated from the hug and Eleanor and Perrie soon engaged me into a conversation about everything that avoided the topic of my father while the boys escorted my father out of the room. I couldn't help but glance at my father who reluctantly left the room.

Once he left the room, Niall questioned, "So Ian is your dad huh?" I nodded. "And he left you and your mother a bit before the invasion," Liam said. I nodded again. "He's a real pain in the arse," I said coldly. Eleanor and Perrie nodded in agreement while the boys gave each other awkward looks. "Um if you wouldn't mind, could you come on a date with me? You know, get him off your mind and just enjoy yourself with me," Liam asked. He said the last part in a whisper only loud enough for me to barely hear. I nodded and replied, "I'd like that very much." He took my hand and led me out of the room. Niall and Harry were sending him death glares. "Where are we going?" I asked giggling as he carried me outside to a carriage bridal style. "A secret place of mine," he said. "Oh not again with the surprises," I said dramatically. He chuckled and carefully placed in the carriage then hopped in as well.

"Close your eyes," Liam said softly. I nodded and did so. Again another blindfold was placed on my eyes. "It's so dark Liam." He chuckled. "Don't worry. They will be taken off once we get there." I nodded. We walked for a long time until Liam let go of my shoulders and I heard a growl. In fear, I ripped off my blindfold to find a pack of wolves. Wait what? "Liam?" I questioned my voice shacking slightly. I turned around to see him with a very pretty blond. His arms were wrapped around her shoulder protectively while I stood there confused. Liam laughed menacingly. I flinched when his I suppose girlfriend joined in laughing. "You know I never really liked you. I just pretended so I could trade you with my love, Janice. I had the werewolves bring Janice to me after she was captured by the filthy humans a bit before the ball." I stood there speechless. If only Harry and Niall could hear this, I thought. We can. I heard Niall's voice in my head and I furrowed my eyebrows.

Vampires can communicate like this, but only when the person wants them to hear. You wanted us to hear what Liam was saying so we did. We'll be there ASAP. I calmed down at hearing his voice and turned to Liam enraged at him. "You won't get away with this," I yelled at him. "Watch me," he said nodding to the wolves. The pack started closing in on me when I heard two bones cracking behind me. I smirked and ran behind Niall and Harry. They had cracked the necks of Liam and Janice, but they are still alive. The two boys' eyes were glowing red with frustration probably because their own best friend betrayed them and took advantage of me. My eyes were purple because I liked Liam as a close friend so that broke my heart a little. The pack was still closing in when I jumped on Niall's back and whispered in his ear, "They are not worth fighting. Run." He nodded and both of the boys ran vampire-speed back to the castle with Harry carrying Liam and Janice.

Once we were all inside Niall announced, "Liam has betrayed his loyalty to the Order and must be sent along with his mate to the court for hearing on their punishments. "The workers gasped, but went straight to work on planning the hearing. I jumped off of Niall's back. "Thank you." "You're welcome," the boys said in unison. We chuckled. Harry left to complete his duties, but Niall stayed and turned to me. "I'll give you some time to rest from what happen, but just know that I have a special date with you tomorrow." I nodded and winked, "And I'll be looking forward to it." His cheeks turned slightly red as he waved goodbye with a smug smirk plastered on his face. I waved back to him then starting walking to my room when Perrie and Eleanor came to me with worried faces. "We heard part of the news. What happened?" Eleanor said with concern. "Liam used his date with me to trade me to the werewolves for his mate, Janice," I said my voice trembling. The girls gasped and gave me a comforting hug.

A hug is really all I need right now. Comfort is all I need for this situation. The hug separated and I thanked them. They nodded as I continued walking into my bedroom. My father was by the door about to talk when I interrupted him, "Look I know you're concerned for me, but if you really care for me, you need to give me some time to think over all of this." He didn't answer, but he nodded and left the hall. As soon as the door opened, I ran and jumped onto my bed not caring about my heels on the bed. Wazzup I thought to Niall. Sup he thought to me. (A/N K=Keri N=Niall)

K: How are you feeling? I know it must be hard to know what Liam did.

N: I'm just shocked really. Liam was a best friend to all of the order members including me. He was also best friends with Perrie, Eleanor, and you too. Or at least I thought he was best friends with us. I'm sorry I didn't see it coming. Sometimes I caught Liam sneaking out late at night. I asked him about it but all he said was, "Just having a walk." Of course I didn't believe him. I just didn't want to push the conversation any further knowing that he would just continue lying.

K: It's alright. At least you and Harry were there to save me. Thank you again.

N: You're welcome. Anything for a gorgeous girl like you.

K: Why thank you.

N: You're welcome.

I heard a loud scream coming from down stairs.

K: Did you hear that?

N: Yeah we should check it out.

I sighed and stood up. Today is really not my day. I walked downstairs and fell sobbing at the sight.

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