chapter 2: discovering my feelings

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Jesse pov:

I was lying in bed that night and i was thinking about earlier today. and i thought about Jaden. It made my heart flutter it has happend latley and i do not understand why i feel this way. He is my BEST friend why do i feel like this all of a sudden? I brushed it off and went to sleep.

The next morning

"HI JESSE!!" i hear Jaden sceam awakening me from my sleep
"Hiya guys" i say in a groggy voice "how did you get in my house" i say "your window was unlocked" Jaden said "you should  really lock it" Sirus added on. So i change the subject saying "so what do u wanna do now?"
"I don't know dule monsters?" Jaden suggests "nah we did that yesterday" "how about we stay here and watch a movie" i suggest we all agreed and watched a romantic comedy called "500 days of summer" about 25 minutes into the movie Sirus got a text from his mom saying he had to go home so we greeted him goodbye and finished the movie i was super nervous beacuse me snd Jaden were ALONE.I don't know why i was so nurvous we have known each other so long u think it would not be a problem.I snap out of my thoughts with Jaden waving his hand in my face. " you ok pal" Jaden asked "yeah im fine just alot of stuff on my mind" " like what?" He asked "nothing important" i say as i have a tint of pink on my cheecks  "come on i have known you FOREVER and i know when something is wrong" as i give up i say "i have a crush on someone an-"  "WHAT" Jaden exclamed inturpting me  "tell me come on"  "i can't im sorry" i say "come on jesse i have known u FOREVER  you can tell me a small secret like this" Jaden said i was about to crack beacuse HE  was the one i had a cruch on....

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