chapter 3: understanding

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Hope u like the story so far i dont know exactly what in going to do so im really trying well i know u probably dont care and just wanna read so.. Enjoy!

Jesse's pov:

I feel bad beacuse Jaden REALLY wants to know who i like and its him and i don't wanna put him in a awkward position.

Jaden pov:

I really wanna know who Jesse likes for some reason im getting kind of angry...i dont know mabye its just that i don't want him getting hurt....yeah that MUST be it...

Jesse pov:

Mabey if i tell jaden that its some one else he will stop bugging me. " okay okay i like.... * sigh* Alexis.." There was and awkward silence he looked at me like i was CRAZY... "Really Alexis i would have NEVER guessed!?" Jaden exclaimed " well yeah i hide my emotions pretty well."  i said

Jadens pov:

Why am i so Alexis i know if they got together she would bot hurt him but i.....i dont understand this...

Jesse pov:

He looked worried...about what...well i broke the awkward silence "hey Jaden..."  "Yeah sorry i was off in lala land *laughs*" "well i dont want u to tell any one about my crush.." I ask " no worrys pal ur secret is safe with me!" "Thx Jaden" i say "so what now?" Jaden asks "well i don't think im the only one here with a crush" i say winking. I see Jaden blush a bit.

Jadens pov:

For some reason i was....BLUSHING! i dont know why...hold on Jesse looks...kinda.....cute when he heart is...fluttering...why do i feel this way...

Jesse pov:

Jaden was acting weird....i dont know why but he looked so cute when be blushed i blushed lightly to... I try to get Jaden out of his thinking state by calling his name and waving my hand in his face "Jaden hey jaden" oh sorry *blushes little deeper*" its okay. So to answer my question..." "Oh can u repeat it" "okay do u have a crush on any one" "oh umm i don't think so... Not for sure at least..." Oh my goodness i might have a shot at winning him i just need some more time... I think to my self. "Well its getting pretty late i think you should go home i need some rest" i say "yeah i agree" Jaden says so we say our good bye's and say to meet up tomorrow at the mall.

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