chapter 9: the surprise

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Jesse pov:
(Jaden and jesse have been dating for a year now sorry for the long time skip) is the day i ask Jaden to be my husband im just as nevous about this as i was about telling Jaden that i love him for the frist time so i want to stay with him.....forever untill i die. Im taking him to the same park we went to when i asked him out. I am making us a romantic picnic......i hope he says yes.......

Jadens pov:

Jesse told me to meet him at the park after work * we had to get jobs beacuse we needed to pay rent* so i see him next to the pond with what looks to be a picnic set out i go over to my boyfriend. "hello darling~" he says as he winks i blush deeply. "What is all this i ask" some dinner "i know you LOVE me and food so i got this together do i like it?"he asks "i love it i say as i kiss him"

Jesse's pov:

After we eat i will ask him to merry me. as i attemt to hide the ring he does not see it, luckily he is looking at the decorations that took me 25 minutes to hang up. " the decorations look perfect" he says "not as perfect as you~"i add on. He seems to blush deeer. we had finished eating and we had been looking at the sky for a minute or two i finally get the courage to sak him...." Jaden" i say "what's up Jess" he said with his beautiful brown eyes staring into my blue eyes. I get on one knee and Jaden gasps i take out the ring and say "will you make me the happiest man on earth, and merry me?" i say as he is tearing up he leaps on me and says "YES OH MY GOODNESS YES!" That made me so happy.

5 months later jesse pov:

I was waiting on the platform for my lovley groom to come through the isle. As he walked down the isle i was smiling at my soon to be husband. as we said our vows i wanted to jump for joy. Especially when the  priest said the words "You may kiss the groom" i diped him and said "i love you Jaden" right before we kissed. Everyone Cheered. After the kiss he told me "i love you too Jesse, i never want to let you go" "i agree" i said as i brushed his hair back and kissed him again.

A/n i know im not the best author but i tried and i hope i can make more vote on my story if u want me to make more bye my lovely readers 😘

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