chapter 7:finding love

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jesse pov:

I woke up the next morning with jadens arm wraped around me i was kinda fewaked out but i liked it."hey....Jay" i say quietly he wakes up and quickly takes his arms from around me and is blushing deeply "sleep well" i ask "y-yeah" he says stuttering a bit "how about you" "i slept fine" i say casually. "Wanna play some dule monsters?" I ask "sure!" He says excited "awesome!" I exclaim

After the dule

Jaden won *beacuse i let him* all and all it was a fun dule. "Yeah!"Jaden exclaimed " i win again!" "Good game Jay" "thx you to!" He said still jumping around. It was already 1:00 "so Jay how about later we go to the park?" "I ask yeah sounds fun! what time?" He asked i said "how about...6:00 we meet there?" We already knew what park to go to we go there some times "sounds good see u the bye Jesse!" "Bye jay..." He leaves "i love you....."i say beacuse he cant hear me "thats it" i say eaven though no one was around " im going to tell Jaden how i feel eaven if it ruins us i need to do this" so i rush to my room to get dressed. I realized this was my best opportunity

Jadens pov:

I try to get somthing breathable on beacuse it was very hot out so i wore a black tank top and a some white pants.

Time skipjaden pov: 5:45

I decided to go early so i wasn't late and about 5-10 mins later i saw Jesse sit on the bench near the big pond that was in the park he noticed me and waved me over to sit next to him.

Jesse pov:

I saw Jaden walking around so i motioned him to sit down his muscles were visible witch made me blush so he sat down and we talked for a littel bit. The sun was starting to go down so i swallowed my pride and told him. " hey jay" he can hear the nervousness in my voice "yeah what is it Jesse?" "I have something to tell u and i have wanted to tell u for a while now.." I trailed off "what is it" he asked curiously. I took his hand wich made him blush and i told him "i-i love you" and i brought hime into a kiss his eyes were wide untill he finally closed his eyes falling into the kiss We had broken the kiss for air i looked at him nervously and he said "i love you too jesse" with tears in his eyes he starts to cry with joy. there was awkward scilence between the two untill i asked Jaden... "Jay will u go out with me?" He is still crying on my sholder at he says "of co-corse i will!"

A/n hope u liked it this was my favorite chapter so far i will make a few more chapters where they are dateing thx for reading bye!

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