chapter: 5

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Jesse pov:

I go down stairs for about an hour and Jaden comes back down stairs and sits next to me on the couch " so u still tired" i ask " not really i did not sleep well last night sorry" he said "no no its fine" i say to reasure him.
Sirus than calls and asks if he could come over so we said sure and about 15 mins later we were deciding where to go.

Time skip ⏩ Jesse pov:

We decided to eat lunch at a small diner we got some soda and started to talk "so" Jaden said "watcha been up to Sirius?" "Oh nothing really i just had to visit my cousin out of town" he explained "what about you two?" "Well we just watched movies went to the mall...thats about it." I told Sirus. and we finished up our food and went to Jadens place.

Time skip

We ended up watching ANOTHER movie it was a comedy with Adam sandler called happy gilmore.After the movie we played some dule monsters witch Jaden won. It was already 7:00 so Sirus went home and jaden spent the night.

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