chapter 4: my plan

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Jesse pov:

I stay up to think about how i was going to earn his love....i could just...Tell him.... No i might scare him...i got it! I could hint at him that i like him...yeah..sounds plan hint Jaden that i like him is a go!

The next morning at the mall

"So jay" * i gave him a cute nickname" "what do you wanna do?" I don' know? And when did i become jay?" "Just now" *i wink* he tries to hide his light blush yet i can still see it

Jaden pov:

"Just now" he says and winks at me i try to hide the light blush spread across my face but i think he can see it i don't know what to think anymore... Im so confused its crazy.

Jesse pov:

"So Jay" i say to break the silence "what store do you wanna go to." He thought about it for a second "how topic (a/n i dont own the store dont know if i have to say this but yeah) sounds good i say and we were off to Hot topic. We bought some anime stuff and some panic at the disco shirts than we decided to go to the food court. We both got some chinese food beacuse it was our favorite and we talked about some of our favorite animes. After that we decided to go to his house and hang again

Jadens pov:

After today my hunch is correct... I have a crush on my best friend....i don't know how to tell him i dont want him to freak out than never talk to me again i would never forgive myself so i need more time to think about this...

Jesse pov:

Jaden has just been sitting there doing nothing i should leave him in his thoughts for a while i have things to think about like how i will suduce jaden slowly though i dont wanna scare him away...i need to do this perfectly the nickname and winking seems to be working but it won't hold forever so i need to think of a strategy and fast

3rd preson pov:

Jaden and Jesse were in such deep thought they both feel asleep on the couch at Jadens

Nexts morning Jesse Pov:

I wake up to see that im at Jadens house with him sleeping next to me he looked so cute so while he was sleeping i kissed him on his forhead luckily he was still asleep i got up to make breakfast bacon and eggs i found in the kitchen and i made some pancakes and the aroma must have woken jaden up from his slumber.
"Rise and shine sleepy head" i say to Jaden "hey morning" he said still groggy. "So decide to crash at my place last night?" He said sarcastically "yeah i was so tired  i passout hope u dont mind" i say as i flip a pancake on to a plate and hand him some eggs,bacon,and,pancakes."wow" Jaden said as he eats some of the pancake "you are a good cook!" That made me blush slightly as i finish cooking my we finish eating we decide to watch a movie this time watching and adam sandler movie called " billy Madison" durring the movie Jaden seems to fall asleep i cant help but blush at how peace full he looks. The movie ends and i awake jaden from his sleep he does not wake up (he is still alive) seems to be tired so i carried him bridal styal to his room.

A/n hope u like it i know this is not the best story but bear with me im trying!!

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