Chapter Sixty-Three

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(Next update on Friday.!)

Calum's POV

I pound my fist against the front door of Zayn's house, I'm absolutely fuming.

When Zayn opens the door I immediately lay a punch to his nose. He stumbles back, hold his face.

"I take it you found out?" He winces.

I step in through the front door and kick him in the stomach, "You think it's okay to talk shit about someone and get away with it?" I punch him in the jaw next. He doesn't do anything to defend himself, he just takes the hits.

"So Elena's easy, huh?" I punch him again in the same spot, "How would you even know that?" I scoff, "Elena wouldn't even give you a second look!" I yell at him, kicking him in the stomach again.

Zayn coughs vigorously, I punch his eye two more times before I back away from him.

"If you ever say that about Elena again.. I'll kill you." I growl at him in a pant.


"Where did you go?" Elena asks me worried as I walk through her bedroom door.

"No where important." I say, not bothering to make eye contact with her. She rushes over to me, grabbing m hand and examining my knuckles.

"Oh, Calum.." She shakes her head, "You didn't do what I think you did.. did you?" She asks me quietly.

"Elena he basically called you a whore. I had to do something." I sigh, pulling my hand away from hers.

"But I told you I was over it! Why couldn't you just be done with it?" She runs her fingers through her hair as she begins to pace.

"Just leave it alone, Elena. It's over now." I tell her, frustrated.

I make my way to the door but she stops me by gripping my forearm.

"Calum, no." She turns me around to face her, "Please.. stay." She says, her eyes glossy.

I nod and grab hold of her hand, leading her to the bed. She lays down on her back and I slide in next to her, laying on my side and draping my arm over her protectively.

"I love you, Elena. I did what I did for you.." I tell her, hoping she won't be that upset with me. But the fact that she asked me to stay means she's not that angry with me.

"I love you too, Calum." Her voice whispers to me.


Zayn's POV

"He sure did get you pretty good," Sam frowns as she gently wipes the blood off my face in her bathroom.

"You should see his face." I joke, "No, I couldn't hit him. I know if I did, I would hurt Elena and I can't lose a friend like her." I tell her seriously.

"So why did he best you up in the first place?" She asks me.

"Well I.." I pause, trying to find the right words to say, "I said something about someone, but I didn't mean to hurt anyone I was drunk and being stupid."

"Well what did you say?" She questions.

"I kinda called his girl easy.. while she was standing behind me.." I look towards the floor.

"Ouch. I can see why he would be upset." She chuckles. Opening the first aid kit, pulling out a small packet.

"This may sting.. a lot." She says before wiping it across the cut above my eye brow.

"Fuck," I hiss, sucking in a breath. I grab her wrist instinctive and she jumps.

I stand, my tall frame towering over hers.

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