Chapter Thirteen

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(Stay) Chapter Thirteen -

-Two Days Later-

"Are you sure you haven't changed your mind, El?" Calum asked as he put the last of his suitcase into the tour bus.

I sighed, "I told you Calum, I can't just drop everything to come on tour with you. I have my mom, my job, and Elizabeth is to young to be traveling around."

He frowned slightly, "I understand I just...I just don't wanna leave you or Lizzie now."

"I uh, yeah..I get it." My eyes locked on Zayn as he walked into the the bus behind Calum.

"You don't think it's gonna be awkward..?" I asked in a hush tone.

"Why?" He asked, I motioned my head towards Zayn and Calum turned his head to look at him then back to me.

He shrugged, "Eh, it'll be okay. It's not a big deal or anything. I'm over it, he's over it. We're good now."

I look behind Calum once again to see Zayn staring intently at us making me feel uncomfortable.

Lizzie looks up at me then follows my gaze. Her eyes lock on Zayn and her face lights up. Her little feet quickly scurry away from me and towards Zayn before I could stop her.

"Zayn!" She says excited and clings to his legs.

He smiled weakly and lifts her up in his arms and spins her around.

"Eliza-" Calum cut me off.

"Just let her say goodbye, El." He tells me. I shake my head and walk towards them.

"I missed you, Zayn!" Elizabeth giggled. "Why don't you come to my house no more?" She asked him with a frown.

"I've been..." He glanced at me then back to Elizabeth, "Busy."

"Are you leaving like daddy?" She asked him.

He nodded, "Yep. I'm gonna miss you though." He poked her tummy and she giggled again.

"I'ma miss you too, Zayn." She leaned in to whisper something to Zayn ad I took a small step towards them.

Zayn pulled away from Elizaeth and chuckled slightly as he shook his head.

"I don't think your mommy would like that." He said.

"Like what?" I asked, Elizabeth looked over at me.

"I want Zayn to be daddy too." She said, I choked on my own breath and Calum walked up besides me.

"Uh, no sweetie...I-It doesn't work that way, Lizzie," I stuttered out uncomfortably.

"But I want Zayn and Calum as daddy." Lizzie whined. I walked over to Zayn and snatched her out of his arms.

"Elizabeth. Enough." I told her sternly and walked back Calum's side.

"Maybe we should let her choose..." Zayn suggested. I looked at him wide eyed.

"Wha-what? N-No!" I stuttered out. "Calum is her father. I am her mother. How do you expect her to chose between you to like that? Are you crazy?"

"You can't put her in that position. She's only one!" Calum took a step towards Zayn and Zayn took a step towards Calum.

"Why? Because you know you won't be the one she choices, right?" Zayn spat through gritted teeth.

"I'm the father." Calum defended, getting into Zayn's face.

"Yeah and that's all you'll ever be! It's just a label. If you were a real father you would've been here a LONG time ago. But you weren't. I was always there to pick up the pieces. I was the father figure. It was my family first! You stole my family from me!" Zayn yelled the last part and shoved Calum forcefully, Calum only stumbled slightly but he stood his ground.

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