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Chapter Two:

"Ekka," Charles said. He had an amused smirk on his face as Hank helped her down from the jet. Her knees felt weak, and her arms gripped Hank's arm, her nails embedding themselves in his arms. "Are you alright? I hope the plane ride didn't scare you away."

"Ah, no, I–I..." She stammered quietly. "I–I did not know, uh... I—"

Hank chuckled, "Don't worry," he assured. "Everyone's first plane ride is different." She nodded absently, stepping into the platform that the jet rested under.

"So... Are we at the school you spoke of yet?" Ekka asked carefully, and Charles smiled at her.

"We are. In fact, we're underneath it. Some of the students should be on their break around now, actually. Maybe we'll be able to see them," he said, pressing a button on his wheelchair to roll forward with Ekka and Hank closely behind.

"Will I have to speak with...?" Ekka asked, hesitantly.

"If you are not comfortable with that, then no, but you'll have to speak to your classmates at some point, Ekka."


"And, you'll have to speak English as well," Hank said. "Although there are a handful of students who are taking World Language classes, not many of them speak French like you do."

"I do not know much of the English language," she admitted, embarrassed. "I can understand it, for the most part, but I cannot speak it very well..."

"That's fine," Charles said. "I'm sure we can find a student who can interpret for you." Soon, they had made it to a big set of doors, and Charles pressed a button on his chair, making the doors slide open.

Inside were several students walking, or running, down the halls, all heading for different exits. Ekka looked at the crowd of students with wide eyes, watching as their gazes turn to her as well. She could hear cliques of friends staring at her with curiosity. They whispers to one another with intrusive questions.

"A new kid?"

"Who's she?"

"What's her powers?"

Ekka wanted to turn around and run back to the jet, demanding that they'd take her back to the Circus. Anywhere is better than here at the moment, not being stared at or questioned. Their stares reminded her of being back on stage at the circus. If she didn't start performing, Father would surely give her lashings later!

"Ekka, this way," Charles beckoned, and she turned to him, he was motioning down the hall and had been waiting for her. Ekka scurried over, keeping her gaze trained on the ground, refusing to make eye-contact with any of the other students. "Now, here at Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters, we try to strive to give our students the best education and academic opportunities as we can. You'll be given the same classes as the other children your age. If they feel too hard for you, then we can also lower them, or have one of the other students act as a tutor and assist you in your studies." Ekka barely listened as he continued to drone on about the school, and began to look outside one of the grand windows.

It showed a large yard that was a bright green with wildlife. Even with the loud halls, she was able to hear the birds chirping in the air and squirrels scurrying up trees. A few groundhogs were burrowed underneath big trees, as were a few harmless snakes as well. She saw a red robin fly towards the window, and the stop, staring in her direction, and cocked its head as its wings fluttered, holding it up.

"Ekka?" Ekka snapped her head around to see Charles looking at her, a small smirk grazing his thin lips. He had rolled farther away, and she noticed that she had just been standing there, staring off into space.

Fading Echoes . • . X-Men Fanfic . • . BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now