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This beautiful graphic was made by KatQueenOfHell! Thanks Kat!


Chapter Nine:

"Ekka?" Xavier's voice filtered through the speaker, "It is nearly noon, have you eaten?"

"Yes, Mister Xavier," she responded automatically. Ekka hadn't; she fed the food to Brownie, who ate both his breakfast and hers.

"Then, are you ready to go over your History?" Xavier asked.

"Yes, Mister Xavier." She reach over to her bookcase and pulled out the history book. Xavier began to read aloud, but Ekka wasn't listening. Tears blurred her pages, but she didn't say a word.

The rest of the lesson went by easily. Once she was done, Ekka went back to her bed. Brownie curled up beside her. Xavier would give her another ten minutes before he came back for her next subject — which was math. After that, she would get dinner and be left alone for the night.

However, today, Xavier didn't leave. He day there, staring at her. Ekka noticed and sat up, "Di–Did I do something wrong?" Ekka asked, scared.

"You did nothing," Xavier sighed. "I'm sorry it has to be this way, Ekka," Xavier said, and Ekka frowned.

"I know," she replied. He told her this nearly every other day.

"I mean it," Xavier said. "I am going to fix this. I'll find a way, Ekka. This I'd just temporary."

"Yes, Mister Xavier," Ekka murmured, and Xavier sighed, but rolled out of the hall.


The next day, Xavier seemed very happy when he spoke. He smiled more, trying to be more optimistic. He acted like this at the beginning of her confinement, but recently began to be more sober. Now, he was happy again.

Before he left for his last lesson, Ekka was far too curious to not ask, so she did. "Why are you happy, Mister Xavier?" Xavier froze for a moment, as if surprised she said something other than 'yes, Mister Xavier'.

However, Xavier smiled anyway, "Do you want to go outside tonight, Ekka?"

Ekka stared, as if shocked. She hadn't been outside her cell for months now. Ekka didn't realize it, but she had missed being outside, more than anything else. She missed the grass between her toes and the wind that riled her messy hair. She missed the cold that pricked her skin or the sun that warmed it.

Ekka didn't even know what day it was.

"I can go outside?!" Ekka gasped. Brownie raised his head, this was the most emotion Ekka had shown in months.

"Yes, but it'll have to be at night," Xavier said. Tears filled her eyes, and she covered her mouth.


"Yes," Xavier smiled. "We'll go tomorrow night if you get ready." Ekka smiled, wider than she had in months.



The next day Ekka was very energetic in her studies. She asked questions, gave comments to what he said. She even ate, but only a little because Brownie was very hungry.

Fading Echoes . • . X-Men Fanfic . • . BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now