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Chapter Seven:

Ekka fell to the ground, her face burning. Father's shadow stood over her. Tears streamed steadily down her face, as she tried to stand again. Father seemed to notice and yanked her to her feet with her hair. Ekka cried out, her throat coarse from screaming as she brought her hands to his, tried desperately to alleviate the pain.

The lions roared behind her, despite being whipped into submission. Blood matted their golden coats, and a few laid on the ground, still, their hearts still-beating.

"Do it, Ekka!" Father growled, his tone fierce. "Do it, now!"

"I cannot!" Ekka sobbed, "Please, Father, I--I cannot, I can---" Father yanked her hand away from her head, shoving a knife in it. Ekka stared at the weapon, feeling Father slither into her mind. She screamed at the sensation, thrashing in his hold, but he was relentless.

He made her hold out her hand, and she began to press it into her hand. Blood began to well up from the knife. The pain was unbearable, Ekka's eyes rolled into her head. For a fleeting second, she was able to enjoy darkness, the peaceful sincerity of it pressing into her, keeping her surroundings quiet. For a moment, Ekka felt no pain.

Then, Father yanked her out of the security of fainting, thrusting her into reality. He used his power to keep her conscious. "Do it," he growled, making her push harder. Ekka was screaming again, unable to focus on anything. God, her hand. There was so much blood. So much blood.

Father hit her again, and Ekka whimpered. "You have one more chance," he hissed into her ear. She could feel even more warm blood trickling out of it. She wanted to throw up, but she didn't allow herself to. If she didn't obey Father, he'd kill her. He'd kill one of her lions. Just as he had killed Fira.

Ekka called her ability, shuddering as she felt the lion's minds. They were angry, aggravated. They wanted to last out against the ones hurting them. Some even laid on the ground, close to death. She took a sharp breath, and commanded them.

"Stop." The lions halted. Like puppets, they simply stopped moving. Ekka stared at them, shocked. Her hand dropped the knife and flew to her mouth.

She felt Father pat her head, as if she were the pet. "Good." Ekka felt sick. She fell to her knees, and vomited. Blood and bile mixed with the yellow grass, her throat burning.

Suddenly, one of the lions collapsed, wheezing on the ground. Ekka looked up sharply. "It's not breathing!!" Someone shouted, coming to the animal's side.

"Stop it, Ekka! Take away the command!" Ekka stared at the fallen lion in shock. Slowly, the others began to follow.

One by one, the lions fell. All because Ekka told them to stop. To stop breathing, to stop living.

"I told you to take back the command!" Father screamed at her. His shoes made contact with her face and she fell, her eyes burning with tears.

"I killed them...!" Ekka sobbed deliriously. "I killed them, I---!" She felt sick again. "I am sorry! I'm sorry! I didn't mean to, I..." Ekka buried her face in her hands. "I didn't mean to, please! I didn't mean to!!"

"Then you'll learn," Father growled, "Next time, do as you are told." Father turned, leaving Ekka to cry into the grass.


Ekka woke up, shaking. Charles was in her room, holding her hand. Ekka scrambled back, surprised. "I---"

"You were having a nightmare," Xavier explained calmly. "You woke the entire hall. I came to check on you. Are you alright, Miss Ekka?"

Fading Echoes . • . X-Men Fanfic . • . BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now