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Chapter Five:

"Today, we'll be starting our specials for the new semester," Mr. George announced to all the third graders in his class. Cheers resounded in the room from all the children. Ekka, however, stared in confusion, but didn't voice a question. She had learned that it would be better to stay silent in class and keep her head down opposed to speaking, even when she knew the answers.

"I'll be passing out the new schedules now," Mr. George continued. "Memorize what days you'll be going where. They're only three times a week, but they are also different for everyone. If you have any questions, come to me, and I'll help explain it." He began around the room, passing out the papers in alphabetical order. Once he finally got to Ekka, he nearly tossed it at her, but she feebly caught it.

Meekly, Ekka began to look at the paper, her lips pressed thin. She couldn't read anything on it except the small print that was her name in the corner.

Ekka set the paper down. At first, she thought she could go over it with Vera, like she had done with her schedule when she first entered the school, however she remembered that Vera had gone back to Italy because someone in her family died. Ekka sighed, maybe Mr. Walker would help her read it. He helped her read a lot of stuff when she didn't know how.

"Miss Ekka," Mr. George spoke, and she sank in her seat. "Might I ask why you are not reviewing your schedule? I think it is rather important for you to know where to go in order to get to the right place."

Ekka didn't speak for a second, "Well?" Mr. George pressed.

"I... I, uhm..." She she began slowly, "I... Ca–Cannot read," Ekka's voice was near nonexistent, and Mr. George was, of course, not going to accept that.

"Excuse me? What did you say?"

"I cannot read," she said a little louder, hoping he could hear her.

He did, but repeated himself anyway, "You can't read?" Ekka bit her tongue, but nodded. The entire class had went silent, hearing the new information. She forced herself not to look at Delilah and her friends. They had stopped messing with her a bit since the ice skating incident. They would still poke and tease her whenever they got the chance, but nothing big.

"Why didn't you say something?" Mr. George demanded, Ekka wasn't able to give a response before he started talking again. "Do you need a version in French?"

"N... No," Ekka feebly replied. "I–I uhm, I cannot read, uhm, French, either."

"I don't understand," he spoke, squinting his eyes, "If you don't read French or English, what language do you read?"

"I... I cannot read," she replied, hating the feeling of having all eyes on her back. "Period. I, uhm, ne–never learned." Mr. George stared at her, before rubbing the bridge of his nose in irritation.

"Did I not tell the entire class that if you needed help to come to me?" Mr. George asked, addressing the class. A collective round of agreements came from the children. Me. George spoke again, "Why did you not say something?" Ekka shrugged, feeling tears growing in her eyes. She really didn't like being questioned like this. "Come here, Ekka."

Ekka took a second, but reluctantly stood, walking to his desk. Mr. George took her schedule from her, "Try to read it," he insisted.


"You'll never learn unless you try, Miss Ekka. I'm not reading that for you, you are in third grade, therefore, you should be able to at least sound out the words."

Ekka looked back down, her eyes blurring with tears as she tried desperately to read the foreign language to her. Her hands shook and her throat choked as she forced out a few words, "Uh... P.. Purr... Pe–Per... Peer-ree... Odd... Peer-reod one... Uhm..." Ekka brought the paper closer, trying to ignore the snickers that rose in the room, "P... Peh... Peh... Cee... Col... Peh-cecole... E... Due... Ca... Cat...—"

Fading Echoes . • . X-Men Fanfic . • . BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now