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Chapter Eight:

Ekka sat silently, stroking Brownie while he slept on her lap. It was very early, and the birds chirped wildly outside.

Ekka looked to the clock beside her bed, 6:30 AM. She would need to get up if she wanted to be in class on time.

Ekka slowly rose from her bed, her eyes half-lidded as she slowly moved Brownie off her. At a snail's pace, Ekka went to her closet and pulled out her uniform.

Ekka hadn't been able to sleep properly in weeks. She had been having nightmare after nightmare about her Father. Every time she closed her eyes, she'd be forced to see him, and he would torture her. Ekka had gave up, and refused to sleep. She decided it was better that way. Xavier hadn't had to wake her because she woke her entire hall from her nightmares during this time. He also seemed very exhausted whenever he saw her before, but recently he had seemed fine.

Ekka showered and exited her room, Brownie and Flutter had awaken, but did not follow her to class.

Ekka did not go to breakfast because she had homework to finish from the night before that was due that morning. By the time she finished, class had started. Ekka watched aimlessly as Mr. George drones on about the water cycle. Ekka forced herself to stay awake. Last time Ekka fell asleep in her class, she was forced to stand and finish the lesson they were learning. This didn't work well —obviously — because Ekka couldn't read and the lesson plan that he gave her just looked like scribbles.

"Miss Ekka?" Mr. George said, "So you mind telling us what comes after condensation?"

Ekka blinked, realizing that she had zoned out again. "Uh..."

"Maybe you cannot because you were not paying attention?" He accused and Ekka sank in her seat. "I thought so. I'll see you after dinner for detention." Ekka gave a shaky nod, and sighed. She managed not to fall asleep, or zone out until her next class, which happened to be Ability Control and Conduct.

Lately, they have been going over the major abilities that people frequently have. For example, thiriokinesis is very common for kids who live or had lived in rural areas or around wild animals for a long time.

Ms. Nighthall explained that a mutation isn't really a mutation, but sometimes an adaptation. People who have the ability to mutate do it in environment that would help them survive.

Ekka didn't hear much else after that because she fell asleep, but immediately regretted it because she dreamed if Father whipping her.

Ekka sat straight up, shaking in her seat. She moved so fast that her chair tilted and she fell headfirst on the floor.

Ekka let out a groan, rubbing her tender head from the impact. The class however, laughed at her, and Ms. Nighthall frowned. "That is what happens when you don't keep the feet of your chair on the ground, Ekka. Would you like to stand instead?"

"N–N–No tha–thank you," Ekka stammered, getting back up quickly.

"You weirdo, Ekka," Delilah hissed behind her. "You're so clumsy."

"So–Sorry..." Ekka murmured, sitting back in her chair, trying to listen to the lesson.


"Today is my last day before I go to college," Vera told her. They were both sitting at her window, watching the kids play outside.

"I do not want you to leave..." Ekka murmured, and Vera smiled softly. She wrapped an arm around Ekka and drew her close. Ekka's initial reaction was to get away. Her instincts told her that whenever Father brought her close like this, was when he was extremely angry. He was going to beat her for not performing well.

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