I may pray
And I may hope
But not to the God you do.
I do not believe in your God,
The one that "promotes"
Suffering of his followers for his benefit.
I do not believe in his inability
To grant good health or good wishes
To those who have prayed,
To those who have bent over backwards,
To those who have fought in his name.
We all still suffer,
Despite how lucky
Your authority figures tell us we are.
So, I do not believe in a God
Who's mere name can start wars
And cause deaths by the hundred.
I believe in a different kind of god,
The "god" in each individual.
I believe in myself
To make my hopes and prayers come true.
CCCLXV - Poetry (Part 2)
PoésiePart 2 of my 365--this year: 366--challenge. A poem a day for a year.