Chapter 8 ~ The First Puzzle

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Taking the path to the right, I come across Papyrus and Sans talking, with a strange glass floor in between them and me.

"YOU'RE SO LAZY!! YOU WERE NAPPING ALL NIGHT!!" Papyrus yells at his brother.

"i think that's called... sleeping," Sans answers him.

Papyrus shakes his head. "EXCUSES, EXCUSES!" Noticing me standing there, the skeletons turn to face me. "OH-HO! THE HUMAN ARRIVES! IN ORDER TO STOP YOU... MY BROTHER AND I HAVE CREATED SOME PUZZLES!"

"I knew it! He was talking about puzzles earlier, so it makes sense," I think with a smile.

Papyrus interrupts my thoughts by saying, "I THINK YOU WILL FIND THIS ONE... QUITE SHOCKING!!! FOR YOU SEE, THIS IS THE INVISIBLE...," he pauses for dramatic flair, "ELECTRICITY MAZE!!! WHEN YOU TOUCH THE WALLS OF THIS MAZE, THIS ORB WILL ADMINISTER A HEART ZAP!" While saying this, Papyrus pulls a greenish glass sphere out of his pocket. "SOUND LIKE FUN??? BECAUSE! THE AMOUNT OF FUN YOU WILL PROBABLY HAVE, IS ACTUALLY RATHER SMALL I THINK. OK, YOU CAN GO AHEAD NOW," he tells me.

I carefully take a step forward, and instead of me getting electrocuted, Papyrus is the one to get zapped.

"SANS!!!" He practically explodes, stopping the ground and yelling at his brother. "WHAT DID YOU DO?!?!"

"i think the human has to hold the orb," Sans explains to him.

"OH, OKAY." Papyrus begins walking toward me, his footprints trailing behind him in the light layer of snow on the ground. When he gets to me, he asks, "HOLD THIS PLEASE!" Throwing the orb up above me, he quickly jogs back to his spot beside Sans. The orb lands softly on me, balancing itself on top of my head.

"OKAY, TRY NOW!" he instructs me. Carefully, I follow the trail of bootprints Papyrus left in the snow. When I reach the end, he praises me. "INCREDIBLE!! YOU SLIPPERY SNAIL!!" I smile at his choice of words. "YOU SOLVED THAT PUZZLE SO EASILY... TOO EASILY! HOWEVER! THE NEXT PUZZLE WILL NOT BE AS EASY! IT IS DESIGNED BY MY BROTHER, SANS! YOU WILL SURELY BE CONFOUNDED! I KNOW I AM!" With a laugh, he rapidly moonwalks to the next trial.

I go up to Sans, who has stayed behind. "hey, thanks... my brother seems like he's having fun," he says.

"I'm having a little bit of fun, too," I admit with a grin.

"see? i told ya you'd love it!"

"Oh? And how did you know that I'd be the kind of person who loves horribly easy puzzles?" I say with a smirk.

"i dunno, you just don't seem like the kind of person to get puzzled," he kids with me. We both laugh at his bad pun. "by the way, did you see that weird outfit pap was wearing?" he asks me.

"Yeah, what about it?"

"we made that a few weeks ago for a costume party. he hasn't worn anything else since... keeps calling it his 'battle body.' man. isn't my brother cool?"

"Yeah, I think he is," I say with a small smile, thinking of all the funny things he's done so far. We stand in a slightly awkward silence for moment, and unwillingly, I say, "Well, I guess I better go check out your puzzle. See you there?"

"You sure will, pal," Sans says with a wink.

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