Chapter 12 ~ Some Married Dogs and Some Freaking Out (in Both Good and Bad Ways)

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As we walk over where the spikes once stood, I hear footsteps getting closer to us. Instinctively, I grab Sans' hand, holding it tightly in fear. My breath hitches in my throat as the footsteps get closer. In the distance, I can see two monsters advancing towards us.

"tibia honest kid, it looks like you're a little spooked," Sans says, looking down to my hand clutching his. "but i've gotta hand it to you, at least you've got guts."

Looking down at our hands, my face instantly heats up, and I pull my hand away. I laugh nervously as the monsters arrive, clothed in black robes and wielding axes. When I look to Sans, I see that he's gone, and start freaking out.

"Sans!!!" I yell to him, hoping to god he hasn't abandoned me because these guys are a real threat.

"don't worry kiddo, i'm right over here," I hear him call. Looking behind the monsters, I notice Sans standing behind them, waving to me. "don't worry, they're harmless. just don't ruff them up and you'll be fine," he says, winking at me.

I look back to the monsters blocking my way. "What's that smell?" one asks the other.

"Where's that smell?" the other one echoes.

"If you're a smell..."

"Identify yoursmellf!"

I stand perfectly still as they move around me, sniffing the air. I realize that they are dog monsters when I see their muzzles poking out from underneath their hoods. They come to a stop at my sides, and talking to themselves, they say "Here's that weird smell. It smells weird... like bones and ketchup?" They share a look, and then peer down at me.

"It's not a weird smell at all!" one dog says.

"It's a normal smell! Sorry, normal smell!" the other says, and they walk off paw in paw.

"see? told you they weren't too pawfully mean," Sans says to me as they walk away.

"I guess you could even say they were labradorable," I joke, laughing. "Seriously though, thanks for letting me borrow your jacket. It's kept me warm and out of fights," I say with a smile.

"no prob, frisk," he says with a grin.

"So those were the married dogs?" I question.

He answers with a simple, "yep."

We go though a few more puzzles, mostly consisting of turning x's into o's. I get stumped only once, at a very complicated one. I walk through at least ten different ways, before sitting down with a groan.

"puzzled?" Sans asks me with a smile.

Throwing my hands up in the air, I declare, "It's impossible!" Looking around me, some of the x's are o's, but some are still x's, and do I see a triangle over there?

"why don't you start over there?" he asks, pointing to the left opening.

"But I already tried that!" I shout, exasperated.

"trust me. just go ahead," he tells me, amused.

Sighing, I walk through where he asked me to, and stop. "Now what?"

"go through that little opening there, and back to the top," he says.

Catching on, I do as he showed me, and then walk a little further, and another right, and down... Suddenly, I hear a loud clicking sound and turn to see the spikes are gone.

"Yes! I did it!" I yell, jumping up and down in celebration. Sans looks at me expectantly, and I sheepishly add, "I mean, we did it." He ruffles the hair on my head and congratulates me. Slightly blushing, I tell him again, "I'm not a kid, Sans."

"fine then, is this better?" he asks, and without waiting for my answer, he wraps his arms around me and hugs me. I feel my face start to heat up, and I'm so surprised I forget to hug back. When he pulls away, he face is as blue as mine is red. Scratching the back of his skull, he looks away and says, "come on, frisk, we need to get going," and walks off.

I don't move for a little while, dazed. Feeling my cheeks pull into a goofy grin, I catch up to him, and we walk to the next puzzles in a somewhat awkward silence.

A/N First of all, can I just say awwwwwwww because writing the last paragraph literally made me smile like an idiot. Second, wowie this book has over 200 views? Thank you so much to all of you who have been supporting me! Every time I log on, it makes me so happy because I see people enjoying what I write. See you in the next update!

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