Chapter 7 ~ Petting and Puns

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"Maybe it's a puzzle...," I think to myself, wondering about what Papyrus has prepared for me. It couldn't be anything dangerous. Even though the tall skeleton sounded intimidating at first, I know now that he's really just a nice dork.

I pass a cardboard box fashioned into what looks like a sentry station. It's definitely not as well made as the one Sans occupies, but I guess it gets the job done. As I get closer, I notice that it has writing on the front. 


Farther down, in smaller text, it reads, "(NOTE: NOT YET A VERY FAMOUS ROYAL GUARDSMAN.)"

I giggle to myself, knowing that only one monster would write something like that.

A little farther down the path, I don't come across Papyrus's surprise, but another sentry station. To the right right of it is a sign that says, "(Absolutely NO MOVING!!!)" Promptly standing still, I try to look around me to see if any new threat is there. Nothing seems to be around, so I walk up to the sentry station to see if anyone is there. As soon as I step in front of it, a dog with shifty eyes stands up inside it. Immediately, I freeze, taken aback.

"Did something move?" the dog asks while chewing a dogbone. "Was it my imagination? I can only see moving things. If something WAS moving... For example, a human... I'll make sure it never moves again!"

I feel the familiar tug at my chest, and when I look down, my soul hovers in the air before me. Doggo, as it says on his name tag, stands in front of me, blocking the way. He holds a knife in each hand, his eyes still suspiciously shifting back and forth.

"Don't move an inch!" he says to the air. A blue knife materializes to my left, and I instinctively move to dodge it, only there isn't anywhere to go. The dagger slices my soul, causing me to whimper in pain.

"MOVING? MOVING?" Doggo says loudly as he turns his head from side to side. "It moved!! It didn't NOT move!" Once again, another blue knife forms, and flies towards me. This time, however, I stay still as a statue, my soul doing the same. I hold my breath as the knife passes over me - or through me - without so as much as a paper cut.

As the dog stands in front of me, I get an idea. Slowly and gingerly, I reach out my hand and stroke his head. Alarmed, he yells, "WHAT!!! I'VE BEEN PET!!!" As yet another dagger appears, I know this time to keep still. As it moves over me, Doggo continues babbling, "PET? PAT? PET? PET? POT?" I giggle at his antics as my soul returns to its home in my chest.

"S-S-S-Something pet me... Something that isn't m-m-moving...," he says, frightened. "I'm gonna need some dog treats for this!!!" With that, he disappears behind the counter of his station. Smiling, I leave him behind, but not before noticing burnt dog treats in the snow.

"Are they like cigarettes, or something worse..?" I wonder. I don't have time to ponder it more, though, because I see Sans up ahead.

"Oh, hi Sans!" I say to him

"hey kid," he says with his usual grin. "is the hoodie keeping ya warm?"

"Hmm?" I realize that I've forgotten all about his jacket. "Oh, yeah! Thanks for letting me borrow it again. That was really ice of you!" I say, laughing.

He laughs with me. "good one kid. you definitely tickled my funny bone," Sans jokes. "hey, i've got something important for you to remember. my brother has a very special attack."

"Special attack? Sans, what are you talking about?" I ask the skeleton, confused.

He looks away. "well, i just want to make sure that your prepared for, y'know, anything." He looks back at me with a smile. "i don't want you to get boned," he says with a wink.

A slight blush covers my cheeks at the suggestive joke, and I laugh.

"anyways, back my bro's attack. if you see a blue attack, don't move and it won't hurt you. here's an easy way to keep it in mind. imagine a stop sign," he tells me.


"when you see a stop sign, you stop, right?"

"Yep, you're supposed to," I say.

"stop signs are red. so imagine a blue stop sign instead. simple, right? when fighting, think about blue stop signs."

"Actually, I kinda already learned that," I say, just teeny bit proud of myself. "Doggo had the same attack."

"wait, you fought doggo?" Sans asks, looking slightly concerned.

"Well, I didn't fight him, more like I petted him." I laugh at the memory. "He seemed to like it."

"i guess you could say you're pretty pawsome for sparing him," Sans says.

Smiling at his pun, I ask him about what Papyrus has planned.

"oh, you're gonna love it. speaking of that, actually, I kinda need to get going." Sans starts walking back towards Doggo's sentry station. "i'll see ya up ahead, kiddo," he calls back to me. I wave to him, even though he can't see me. I continue on the path, the unknown ahead filling me with determination.

A/N Hey would you look at that I finally got around to writing another chapter! Sorry not a whole lot was going on, but at least it's something, right?

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