Chapter 3 ~ A Walk and a Confusing Dream

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It's been a month since Toriel found me. I've been living with her here in the ruins, and she's even been teaching me. I love it here, and even though I don't remember my real home, I know that I like it here more than there. I love exploring, even though I've already completed all the puzzles, and seen all there is to see. I've read all of the books Toriel has, too. To be honest, it's starting to get a little boring.

After school, I decide to go for a walk. I put on my shoes, and go to tell Toriel that I'm going. I find her in her favorite spot near the fireplace, reading a book. She looks up at me and asks, "Are you going somewhere, my child?"

"I just wanted to go for a walk. Is that okay?"

"Of course. Don't be long, though. Dinner will be ready in a little while. Be good, alright?"

"I will. I'll see you in a little while." I give her a hug, and leave her to her reading.

While I walk aimlessly, my mind wanders to my life before this. Sometimes I can barely remember some things, like a woman's kind smile, or an old man's laugh, or a child's hand in mine, but it's like I'm under water, and I can't hear or see anything clearly.

I pass the three Frogitts in their room, waving to them as I walk by. I continue, past puzzles and monsters, until I come to the patch of golden flowers once again. Lying down in them, I look up at the hole in the mountain, the sun shining through. I close my eyes, and breathe in the sweet scent of the buttercups. The soft bed of petals and the warm sunshine lull me into a quiet sleep.

"Frisk... You have to help them... I tried, but I didn't succeed... You know the monsters now, you know what they're like... They don't deserve to be here... You have to break the barrier... Frisk, you must give up your soul..."

I wake up with a start. The sun no longer fills the room, the moon giving only a faint glow. I look around for the person I heard, but I can't make anything out in the darkness. Were they just a part of my imagination? What were they talking about, "the barrier"? Who is Frisk?

"I'm Frisk," I say to the empty air, remembering my name. "I'm Frisk."

I hear footsteps behind me, and quickly turn around, looking for the person to whom the voice belonged to.

"My child! There you are! I was worried sick!" I hear from the darkness. Toriel steps into the moonlight, and runs up to me. Hugging me tightly, she asks me, "Why didn't you come home?"

"I'm sorry, Toriel," I say, hugging back. "I fell asleep, I didn't mean to. I'm really sorry."

"That's alright." She looks around. "But why did you come here, of all places?" she questions me.

"I don't know... I just... I was just walking, and I wasn't paying attention, and I just ended up here..." I say, trailing off. I look up to at her and start to tear up. "I... I just miss my family... But I don't even remember them... It's just so frustrating..." Sniffling, I wipe my eyes. "I-I'm sorry, Toriel..."

"Oh, no, please don't cry. It's going to be okay. You don't have to be sorry." She looks away from me. "I know you must miss your family. It was foolish of me to think that you wouldn't." She looks back to me and smiles. "I know I might not be much, but I do hope you can be happy here with me."

I begin to cry. "I do like it here, I love it here. Thank you for letting me stay with you, Mum." I hug her as tightly as I can. I realized that I called her Mum, but I honestly feel like she's my second mother. I can feel her surprise, because she doesn't immediately hug me back.

We sit there in the flowers and the moonlight for quite a while, until Toriel suggests that we finally go home and get some sleep. I nod, and she takes my hand and leads me back to our house.

When we get home, I immediately lie down, and Toriel tucks me in, giving my forehead a kiss. "Good night, my child."

As she closes the door, I remember there's something I wanted to tell her.


"Yes, my child?"

"My name is Frisk."

She walks back over to me and pats my head. "I'm very glad that you've remembered your name."

Before she closes the door behind her, she says, "Goodnight, Frisk."

A/N Sorry I haven't updated in a few days, I've been busy with school. Here's a longer chapter, to appease you. I really hope you enjoyed it!

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