Chapter 9 ~ Sharing Nice Cream

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After I leave Sans, the path disappears, replaced by a large open area covered in snow. To my left is a blue bunny leaning on some sort of food cart, mumbling to himself, "I don't understand why these aren't selling... It's the perfect weather for something cold..." He sees me, and instantly perks up. "OH!!! A CUSTOMER!!! Hello!" he greets me. "Would you like some Nice Cream? It's the frozen treat that warms your heart! Now just 15G!"

I politely tell him that I would like two, and reaching into his cart, the bunny pulls out two popsicles and hands them to me. I have to pull back the sleeves on Sans' jacket to take them because they're just a tad bit long. "Here you go! Have a super-duper day!" I thank him, and begin to eat the one in my left hand, thinking that I'll finish it fast enough to eat the other before it melts, since they are on the smaller side.

Crossing a small, narrow bridge over a large gap, I almost drop my Nice Cream. "careful kiddo," I hear a deep voice call to me, and recognize it instantly. Bypassing what looks to be like some sort of golf game, except with a snowball, I follow the voice to Sans.

"I wasn't expecting to see you here," I tell him. "I thought you'd be waiting for me with Papyrus."

"actually, i've been thinking about selling frozen treats too," he says. "want some fried snow? it's just 5G."

"Yeah, okay sure, I'll take some," I say while reaching in my pocket for some money.

"did i say 5G? i meant 50G."

"Really Sans? 50G?" Counting out my coins, I see that I have enough. "This fried snow better be the best thing I ever ate," I say, smiling.

"really, you're actually going to buy it? how about 5000G?" Sans asks, grinning.

Catching on to his game, I roll my eyes and tell him sure.

"50000G. that's my final offer."

"Well, sir, you drive a hard bargain, but I accept your offer," I say, sticking out my hand out for him to shake.

"but you don't have the money," he says with a laugh. "hey, that's okay. i don't have any snow."

"You don't have any snow? Oh..." I say, kind of disappointed. Then I have an idea. "Well, if you don't have anything, then here, you can have my other Nice Cream!" I hold out one of the popsicles, and he takes it. As he grabs it, our fingers brush, causing me to blush.

"heh, thanks, frisk. that's nice of you to treat me," he says, winking.

Laughing at his dumb joke, I hold up my blue Nice Cream, and he does the same with his red one. "Cheers," we say together.

We both begin to eat our treats in a comfortable silence. As I begin to ask Sans if he wants to walk with me to the next puzzle, he interrupts me. "well, I guess you better go ahead. you don't want to keep Papyrus waiting, do ya?"

I sigh, and say, "I guess not." Waving to him, I tell Sans that I'll see him there.

As I walk, I wonder about Sans. I never really understood how he does the things that he does. Maybe I never will. As a cold gust of wind blows, I wrap Sans' hoodie around me tightly, and I catch a faint whiff of ketchup. Wondering why it smells like condiments fills me with determination to find out more about the short, funny, and also kind of cute, skeleton.

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