Can You See Me from Way Out There? (brother!Peter Parker x Reader)

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Round Two of DisneyWorldInfoQueen 's contest. Also, I know, I know--I gotta stop killing the reader.

Your twin brother confided in you for everything, and you came to him with all of your problems. There were no secrets between you and Peter, not even Spider-Man. Heck, especially not Spider-Man. He knew that he could never hide something like that from you.

You were there for him to ease the confusion when he started developing his powers. The moment that he described how much responsibility he felt to protect others with these new abilities, you understood exactly what he was thinking, and jumped right onboard to make him able to do what he needed. You helped him make his first suits, and aided in the design of his webs. He often told you that he couldn't have been where he was now without your support, but you often just brushed the compliments off with a laugh.

"It's all part of being your twin," you'd remind him. "I can't very well let you deal with this by yourself."

When Uncle Ben was killed, it was horrible for everyone, but you could tell how hard it was on Peter. He felt so much guilt, and nothing you said or did could make him believe that it wasn't his fault. You did the only thing that you could when it became too much for him--you sat on his bed with him and hugged him while he cried, shedding tears of your own.

Just when things were starting to seem normal again, Tony Stark and the torn-in-half Avengers had to butt in and mess your lives up again. Tony had wanted Peter to go to Germany with him, but he'd initially declined on the basis of two issues; firstly, he had homework, and secondly, he couldn't very well leave you behind.

You had smiled at his words, but insisted that he go without you. "I'll be fine alone," you had assured him. "Just take some good quality pictures, and I'll be perfectly content."

It pained you to see him go, though. You could tell that he was insecure about the whole thing, very eager to impress the more experienced heroes. You could only imagine the kind of trouble that his mouth would get him into.

He came home with a black eye. While your Aunt May took pity on him and coddled him a little, you appeared to be frankly unimpressed. Some might have said you were a little annoyed. That was just your surface. Peter knew just how ticked you were.

The amazing thing about having known each other for your whole lives was that he knew that you weren't angry at him so much as the people that had dragged him into the fight. You knew that he faced danger every time he went out to help people. It was the fact that neither side of the fight could be pegged as either good or bad. You couldn't direct your anger towards one specific person, or group, so you were mad about the whole situation.

You couldn't believe the nerve of that Stark guy when he invited Peter to train with the remaining non-fugitive Avengers, which were few in number. After the first of his training sessions, your brother was all too excited to tell you that you were invited to train as well.

He went on and on when you were on your way to your first session together about how he'd managed to convince Mr. Stark to let you come. You'd only paid attention to his story the first time, but you were thankful to receive some instruction on how to defend yourself from some of the finest in the art.

"I still cannot believe that you answered to 'Underoos,'" you teased one day after training at the compound. The both of you had gone to get ice cream afterwards, agreeing that you deserved it.

"I still cannot believe that Mr. Stark told you that," he muttered in response.

"Pete, you know that I would have found out eventually. Nothing gets by me," you said, tapping your temple playfully.

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