I Couldn't Leave You (Thor x Reader)

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Dedicated to my friend Liv.

Your world was falling apart around you. It wasn't a slow breakdown, either. It came as suddenly as an earthquake, and you hoped that it would be over just as quickly. You had always heard, though, that an earthquake might last for 20 seconds, but for those experiencing it, it felt like two years.

To cope, you resulted to reading bad fanfiction about your friends and working yourself half to death. It was easier to hide your emotions while you worked, plus you got a lot of baked goodies out of it. Those helped to drown the sorrows, too.

Everyone was getting a little worried about you as they began to notice the sheer amount of cookies and cupcakes that you were producing. After you quite convincingly told them that everything was fine, all except for one of the Avengers pretty much left your emotional state to yourself, and that was your best friend.

Thor would sit at the counter at the kitchen island, and a conversation might go like this:

"If something is wrong, (Y/N), you know that you are able to tell me," Thor might say.

You would smile and reply, "Thor, I promise, everything's fine. I've just felt like baking a lot, that's all." He would then try to say something about how he felt like you were lying to him, but you would cut him off, saying, "Here, try this cookie dough, real quick, would you?"

He wouldn't be able to refuse that, as if there was one thing that Thor loved, it was cookie dough.

Today, though, today was different.

"(Y/N), I feel like you're trying to fatten us all up and eat us," Thor commented.

"That doesn't sound like a bad idea, now that you mention it," you shrugged rolling out the dough for cinnamon rolls.

"That's called cannibalism, is it not?" he replied, smiling.

"I could probably market you guys as Earth's Tastiest Heroes," you smirked. "I can see it now. The Avengers would be enjoyed as snacks all over the globe."

"(Y/N)!" Thor exclaimed, a little mortified. "That's absolutely horrible!"

"Well, you would be. You'd be all tough. Actually, you guys are all pretty well muscled. You'd all be terrible," you remarked, grimacing. "We can forget the Earth's Tastiest Heroes thing, it's a terrible idea."

Thor stared at you, absolutely disgusted. "Midgardians are so strange," he mumbled.

"It's a joke, bud. I would never actually kill you and sell you for meat," you laughed. You spread melted butter over the dough, then reached for the cinnamon and cinnamon chips.

"Well, I know that," Thor covered, "but that's a terrible thing to joke about."

"Terrible jokes to match the terrible person," you said nonchalantly.

Silence hung in the air like a pirate hanging from the gallows. Thor's mouth hung open in disbelief at how willingly you shamed yourself.

"That...that was a joke, too, Thor."

"You cannot joke about these things!" he snapped. "You are worth so much more than you believe yourself to be."

You shook your head, and rolled up the dough into a spiral. "I don't know what version of me you've tricked yourself into seeing," you replied.

Thor stood up quickly, almost knocking over his barstool. He stomped over to you, and as you whipped around to face him, extremely confused and a little frightened at the angry look on his face, he picked you up.

"Hey! What's the big--woah!" you shrieked as he slung you over his shoulder. "Thor, put me down! Put me down right now!"

He responded by walking briskly into the living room, but that was not fast enough for you.

"My hands are covered in gross stuff that you do not want to get on your shirt, so I suggest that you set me down gently before I decide to wipe my hands off," you threatened.

"It will come out. I do not fear you, (Y/N)," he laughed. He finally set you down on the couch, told you to stay, and got you a wet paper towel to wipe your hands off. He sat down on the couch the way that Tony hated him to, which was to say, with his back resting on one of the arm rests and his crossed under him. You did the same, resting your elbows on your knees.

"What's the point of this?" you asked.

Thor took a deep breath. "You cannot lie to me anymore, (Y/N). Tell me what is wrong."

"Oh my gosh. You're bringing this up again?" you groaned. "Thor, I promise, I'm fine."

"No, you're not!" he insisted. "I wouldn't have to keep asking you if you were fine. I can see it in your eyes."

"Waste of time," you complained. "I'm going to go finish my cinnamon rolls now."

You got up, but Thor pulled you back down. "Talk to me, please. I have the right to know whether or not you've been lying to me."

"Yes, okay! I don't need anyone worrying about me. I can deal with my own problems, Thor. I'm not that self-deprecating little teenager that the Avengers picked up all those years ago," you stated angrily.

"You've grown older, but your habits have not changed," Thor argued. "You were brought here not only because of your extraordinary talent, but because your father was worried about you, as well."

"Hawkeye needs to learn how to mind his own business," you grumbled.

"I thank the gods every day that he didn't," he said honestly. "You're...how did you say that your friend said it? A ray of positive negativity?"

You nodded, a look of confusion on your face. "Where are you going with this?" you asked.

"Have you noticed how much you affect the mood of the compound? You are the youngest of us by many years, but you are the equivalent of the mother of this peculiar family," he expressed.

"Nat and Wanda sure as heck weren't going to do it," you said, rolling your eyes. "Someone had to step up, and I figured that it might as well have been me before Steve tried."

"Yes, Captain Rogers has a rather strong maternal instinct," Thor agreed. "Thankfully, your appearance has seemed to turn it off for now, otherwise I feel that he would have been having this conversation with you a long time ago."

"Is that why you're having this conversation with me, then? To satisfy your maternal instinct?" you teased.

Thor laughed, his loud, booming chuckle filling the whole room. "You may call it that, if you wish, but I like to think of it as my duty as your friend," he claimed.

"Mama Thor," you giggled. "It's almost better than Earth's Tastiest Heroes." The giggle became a cackle. "Come on, Mama Thor, we have cinnamon rolls to finish making." You got up and began to walk back to the kitchen.

"Please, do not insist on calling me that," he groaned, pushing himself up.

"It's sticking. I'm sorry, but if it sticks, there's nothing more that I can do about it," you shrugged.

You felt so much better. You felt as if you had been carrying a ton of rocks, and now, there was still a weight on your shoulders, but it wasn't so heavy. It was as if you had shared it.

You turned back suddenly and wrapped your arms around your friend. "Thank you," you said.

"Do not thank me. I was just fulfilling my duty," he smiled.

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