Prompt 24

427 21 2

"Just play along."
Bucky Barnes x Reader

Thanks KassandraMarines for requesting!

"Listen, I'm grateful for your offer, I really am, but I don't want to be a burden," Bucky said.

"A burden? You?" you scoffed raising an eyebrow at your friend. "Come on, Buck, it's a family Pioneer Day celebration. There'll be more than enough food for everyone whether you come or not, if that's what you're worried about. Plus, I guarantee you won't be the only person there that's not a member of the family or dating one."

"That's not really what I'm worried about," he responded, glancing down at his hands.

"Buck, this is my family we're talking about--quite possibly the kindest and most loving people in the world," you pointed out. "They managed to host half of the Avengers for Christmas last year, so I think that it's going to be nothing to accommodate just one. Well, two if we're counting me, but I was already expected. Plus we're here alone for the week and dinner's on me tonight, remember?"

"You make a compelling argument," he sighed.

"I'd like to go with the word irrefutable, but that's because I'm the one making it. Now come on, bud, hop in the car."


As usual, the unique picnic spot that one of your aunt/uncle pairs had found was secluded and fantastic. Most of the younger cousins were already off playing in the near surrounding wooded area, while the older cousins sat around talking with one another. The arrival of you and Bucky drew immediate attention from your grandmother and your parents.

"If it isn't my favorite granddaughter!" your grandmother greeted you jokingly.

"And our favorite daughter named (Y/N)!" your dad followed up.

"Still single I see?" your grandma commented in jest. You shrugged, grinning. "Ah, see, I told you, (father's name), she's just not pretty enough to find a boyfriend."

"I'm her boyfriend, actually," Bucky piped up, having just returned from the restrooms.

"You are?" your mother asked.

"I am," he nodded.

"Bucky—" You began to attempt to explain that your grandma was just teasing you, that she meant no harm, and you didn't take any, but he cut you off.

"Just play along," he whispered to you in another language.

"We don't have to; she was joking," you whispered back.

"Okay, let's make it for real then," he said, pink riding to his cheeks.

You stared at him for a moment, your eyes bright and a stricken grin on your face.

"Yeah," you said, turning back to your family and lacing your fingers through his. "He is my boyfriend." You were already the best of friends, and the sudden jump to dating had been long coming. This just wasn't how you had expected it to happen.

"Why didn't you say so in the first place?" your mother inquired, grinning at how happy you had just become. She, nor anyone else, knew what had just happened, but she could sense the joy radiating off the two of you. "How long have you been dating?"

You exchanged a cheeky glance with Bucky, and said, "Not too long."

"Not long at all," he agreed, giving your hand a squeeze.

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