Chapter 1

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The crack of leather and iron cleaved the air, and my flesh. I remembered how I got into this nightmare in the first place, and mentally kicked myself.

Six weeks earlier, I was slack-mouthed, standing silently in front of my elated mother and father as they swung each other around our small kitchen. The source of their jubilation was the two-page form on the table, requesting my signature to accept a job as an Accountant.

"You must, you must, you must!" shrieked my mother. "You will be the very first Accountant in our family!"

It was true, my entire family have been Secretaries, and I had just stepped it up a notch. That guarantees my younger brother, Amittai, a job as an Accountant and, if our combined track records reach a certain level, the rest of our descendants would get that job.

"Definitely." My dazed voice floated up. "Definitely. I have to go tell Kyran and find out what his Acceptance was!"

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