Comfort By Him, And A Class, too,

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Stella's pov:

This afternoon, I'm walking home because I had missed the bus, by about 15 seconds. The only thing that kept me motivated to walk instead of waiting for the late bus, was thoughts of Jose racing through my head. The thoughts were wonderful, and made my heart skip a beat, until-

"Hey, Stella," Paige was sticking her head out of a window, on a bus passing by. Others had their heads out, laughing, already. Paige chuckled, before continuing, "Nice dress, where'd you get it? Whores 'R' Us??"

Paige laughed, and others on the bus followed, with an even more sickening laughter. I stood, shocked, at the bus as it was about to finish driving past me.

"And such shitty hair. You look like a god-damn crayon! What makes it worse are those eyes! They look like puke! Ugly crayon!" She started imitating gagging sounds, before bellowing out an even bigger laugh. With almost EVERY student doing the same.

When the bus made a turn on a corner, it was out of my line of sight. I stayed there, tears forming in my eyes. After a minute of letting what had happened sink in, tears escaped my eyes like water coming out of a faucet.

"Damn it," I muttered to myself, "Why can't they leave me alone...?" I began wiping tears, as they poured from my eyes. When I was able to manage looking up with my red eyes, I grabbed some of my hair, and cried even more, "It really does look like a damn crayon," I concluded, before I continued to cry and walk home.

After three right turns, I got lost, and couldn't even think of the way back to the school.

'Great. Just great,' I thought, 'Now, I'm lost. How much worse could this get?'

I tried to call Sophie, but she didn't pick up. She must be too busy working with Liam to train the boys on her swim team. Sophie's cell didn't work, so I tried my parents. No answer, again.

'Ugh, I'm lost. With no sense of where to go,' My mind was too scrambled from everything to come up with an obvious alternative. Before I could try and calm down to think of something, it began to rain. And when I say rain, it was pouring even wose than my tears were a minute ago.

I saw a Starbucks down the street, and ran into there. When I got in, I smelled the coffee and hot chocolates and everything in between. And it wasn't too crowded. It soothed me a bit, but I was still upset over everything. I ordered a hot chocolate for myself, before sitting near the window. I plugged my headphones in, and opened Pandora. Immediately, 'The Climb' by Miley Cyrus came on.

I listened to the lyrics, while staring at the rain as it hit the window,

I can almost see it, that dream I'm dreaming

But, there is a voice in my head saying you'll never reach it

Every step I'm taking, every move I make feels lost with no direction

My faith is shaken, but I...

I gotta keep trying, gotta keep my head held high

There's always gonna be another mountain

I'm always gonna wanna make it move

Always gonna be an uphill battle, sometimes I'm gonna lose

I haven't heard this song in a while, so it made me feel a lil better. It reminds me to keep my head held up high, because I have to show Paige and her crew that I'm worth more than they think. That they're wrong for bullying me, the way they do. And that, even though I always cry, I AM worth it.

Love Happens: The Story of Stella and JoseWhere stories live. Discover now